Just one more day! 1️⃣ One day left until September starts! One day left until Deaf Awareness Month! 🤟 #MonthfortheDeaf #BecomeDeafAware #SignUpForSignLanguageRights #September #Deaf #DeafAccessibility
National Institute for the Deaf’s Post
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Happy Deaf Awareness Month! Here's a gif showing my sign name in ASL: 'Hello, I am J-O-H-N,' followed by my actual sign name. Fun fact: I also include this in my email signature! If you want to get one, please contact IG: alex_quechol_10. #DeafAwarenessMonth #SignesGlobal #Deaf #SignLanguage
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Don't forget to book a BSL interpreter for your event if a D/deaf person requests one 💛 It's crucial to ask if someone needs one and to organise it in advance! #BSL #Inclusion Find out more from our blog on how to book: https://buff.ly/4dTvHnv #Deaf #Hearingloss
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#DoD claims they are not able to cover applied behavior analysis (#ABA) services as a basic #TRICARE health benefit due to lack of evidence to support covering it as a medical services. DoD has repeatedly reported to Congress they must have Randomized Controlled Trials in order to make the determination that ABA services are a proven medical service for autism treatment. This is a clip from the November 2024 public hearing by The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine committee reviewing the Autism Care Demonstration (#ACD) program. This committee member asks an expert in research ethics her opinion on the ethics of mandating a Randomized control trial to determine coverage of ABA services. The expert's response was eye-opening. #MAA is committed to continue advocating on behalf of military families with exceptional needs to ensure access to worldclass helthcare and a high quality of life. #missionalphaadvocacy #military #militaryfamily #militaryspouse
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What is Prevent Duty? Children and young people continue to make up a significant proportion of Channel cases, and in recent years there have been concerns regarding increased numbers of learners being arrested for terrorism-related offences. Educators are often in a unique position, through interacting with learners on a regular basis, to be able to identify concerning behaviour changes that may indicate they are susceptible to radicalisation. Settings should not only be alert to violent extremism but also non-violent extremism, including certain divisive or intolerant narratives which can reasonably be linked to terrorism. Educate Against Hate and GOV.UK Prevent duty training provide further information on extremist narratives. If you have any questions, please comment them below **👇**
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Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities Day. As an #epileptic, I have an unseen disability that can have a major impact on my life - and the lives of others - with little-to-no notice. It can be pretty scary at times. Working in the defence industry with a disability is also extremely difficult. Quite often an opening query is about one's military service - something I can't have. As a result, there is also something of a glass ceiling that is reached, as there is a perception that you can't understand a customer unless you've walked a mile in their shoes. However, some of the best people with the best solutions to military problems have had no service time - so thinking beyond the strictures of a military user can ultimately help with mission success. #idpd24 #epilepsy #DefenceIndustry #disabilities
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Do you want to learn British Sign Language but not sure if it's for you? Come along to our FREE Taster session and see what it is all about. #BSL #Family #learnalanguage #Deaf #DeafAware
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What is the impact of domestic abuse on #Deaf survivors and families? In this first-of-a-kind study, entitled: Domestic Abuse in Deaf Families: Perspectives on Children as Co-Victims and Language Brokers, researchers will delve into this understudied area. "We want to get a better understanding of these difficulties and understand the potential impact on children who find themselves interpreting on behalf of their mothers." https://buff.ly/3CUceX8
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🔹 How can youth lead the way in building peace and counter violent extremism? The Peacemakers Network's Africa working group wrapped up its final 2024 meeting a focus on youth's critical role in peacebuilding and #PCVE. In collaboration with the iDove programme (Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism), two young peacebuilders shared compelling insights into how youth are driving change in their communities. 💡 More from the discussion here https://buff.ly/41v2gWe
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