What they all say you should do. (Do they even understand?) Everyone seems or claim to know what BURNOUT is either by experience or observation. But no one ever seem to understand and here’s how I know why. 📌Prioritise yourself. 📌Don’t procrastinate. 📌Selfcareeeee……….. 📌You,you,you What they don’t see is 💔How can I prioritize myself above this patient who really need me🥺 💔How can I attend to 17 patients who needs my attention all at once and not procrastinate on somethings? 💔How and when do I have the time for skincare. 💔How can I think of me,me,me when THEY(my patients) need me. Inasmuch as yes you need to be okay to care well for your patients. Some of us don’t have the conscience to neglect a child having seizures just when we are about to have our lunch. We can’t leave the ward when the next nurse can’t make it and there isn’t any other to cover. Omo it’s a lot. And you won’t understand till you live it. That’s the reality of most Nigerian Nurses. WORKLOAD. Understaff. We need better systems to make Nursing work in Nigeria. You want us to stay home and work? Make home better. This message is brought to you by Nursing Image and Standard Support Inniative of Nigeria NISSIN. ®️Nr Tori🖤
Happy Tuesday. How’s it going for you? Just to remind you BURNOUT is not always about what YOU are doing wrong. But about what IS wrong. Jobs,relationships and even hobbies. If something is wrong it won’t work. Fix it from the root. And every other profession can be affected. EVERY. Have a nice day. 🤗💙
Don’t you hear us? Why are y’all quiet? You don’t understand do you? You are in danger and your families are in danger. What if your loved one is the number 17th will he get that effective care you think. This is our fight I and YOU. The system needs reform. Together WE can.
Kai, it is well with all Nurses It's not really easy oooo But then, we need to prioritize self care. It is much needed I almost cried a day I was almost finishing my shift after stress of the day and a pregnant woman I'm labour came in, kai, I stood up and I ensure I took the delivery but you know what, I got home and it was straight to my bed. No food for the family that night🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wahala o. Very funny. It happens a lot. I can relate.
😂 Everyone is an expert until they have their own share of the same experience
Well said, dear. Being in the healthcare field is not easy, especially here in Naija. Have a brilliant day Victoria.
My dear loud it for the world to hear. Nigeria nurses need a system that really works. We need rest from the physical and emotional torture. We need time to rest and care for ourselves. We need to be pampered. May our deepest prayers be heard 🙏. Thank you for sharing Victoria Ibrahim (Nr Tori) .
Life is not all black and white. We need to be flexible enough to entertain unforseen circumstances.
Bless you guys. No amount of money is enough compensation for Helath professionals in my opinion. It too much sacrifice. You guys are special
Gen Z Nurse🦋// I empower you (Gen Z Nurse)and help you understand, prevent, and overcome BURNOUT, taking control of your life and career//NISSIN National Media Coordinator//LinkedIn Gen Z big sis💙//God’s Gen Z girlie🖤
6moHe said Tori “I’m tired I want to leave this profession. Imagine 17patients waiting for IV medication from one Nurse” I said “I’m Sorry” My heart broke into a thousand pieces. Imagine a friend whom you’re discussing making the system better with coming to their breaking points and there’s NOTHING you can do 💔🥲