Last year I had the pleasure to give a presentation about the influence of rearing scale on black soldier fly larvae fed different by-products-based diets at the Lyon EAAP Congress and I still remember the nice discussion that followed it 😊 after almost one year, I am very happy to finally share with you the related publication on the new animal Family of Journals section "Insects as Livestock" 🐛 this is a hot topic for insect research, as also witnessed by some interesting presentations I attended at the last Insects to Feed the World Conference (laboratory vs factory conditions, crate sizes), and I'd truly like to hear your thoughts about that 😊
Every article I wrote means something to me, in terms of faced challenges or personal and professional growth, but this one is, somehow, a little bit more special than the others 😊 as Researchers at the University, we are constantly pushed to publish more and more, in order to increase our H-index and number of citations, and this pressure sometimes affects the quality of our research and makes us forgetting why we are doing this job.. This article reminds me that not a long time ago I was totally scared and disgusted about all the insects on this planet, but the curiosity and the love for discovering the unknown led me to learn how to love them - and not only in the form of meals for our animals 🐔🐟🐷 this article demonstrates to me that it is always possible to grow up and adapt to things that seemed impossible at the beginning, because this is what doing research means 😊 it is never a matter of the publication itself, but of what it means for you and what - hopefully - will mean for other enthusiastic like you 😁
#research #insects #blacksoldierfly #rearingscale #agritech
4moWonderful. It would be wonderful if you could share the presentation. I'm sure many would be interested in learning from it!