Seventeen years may feel like a long time since the delivery of the first Q-Flex vessel for Qatargas. Yet, the legacy of these 45 twin-screw LNG carriers of Q-Flex and Q-Max design, equipped with onboard reliquefaction plants, remains unparalleled. Built at the world’s three largest shipyards—Hyundai, Samsung, and Daewoo (now Hanwha Ocean) in South Korea—this fleet stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication, integrity, and craftsmanship of the exceptional “A-Team” behind their construction.
From design to delivery, these vessels set a benchmark in innovation and engineering, incorporating groundbreaking technologies and real-time R&D that made them the largest and most advanced LNG carriers of their time—a record that remains formidable even today.
While China is making strides in LNG carrier construction, the advanced technologies being implemented in Chinese shipyards are built on the foundations of research, testing, and expertise homed in South Korea. Being part of this pioneering journey fills me with immense pride and reinforces South Korea’s legacy as a leader in maritime innovation. 😊
#LNG, #Shipbuilding, #Newbuildings, #Korea, #Qatar
Director at MMI Europe Ltd.
1moCongratulations to the new team in Paris. It's very energising to see the French fleet growing up.