The United States Space Force, at five years old, is divided in its vision, with some members focusing on ground operations support, others on orbital space, and a third group advocating for a space navy to secure America’s interests in the solar system. The tension between traditionalists who see the USSF as an extension of existing military branches and visionaries who believe in a proactive approach to space dominance, particularly against potential adversaries like China and Russia can be a huge strategic Challenge. We need a forward-thinking Space Force that prepares for future challenges beyond Earth’s orbit, emphasizing the need to establish a presence on the moon and in cislunar space to prevent adversaries from claiming these territories. Failing to expand the USSF’s role beyond a glorified satellite operator could result in strategic setbacks, drawing parallels with historical military shifts and advocating for immediate action to secure America’s spacefaring future.
We will get out there no worries. is also important that we try to get along on this rock, part of that is coming together to see the exciting future that is ahead of us if we can quite punching each other for a minute. We would have been at this same point about 400 years ago if the library at Alexandra hadn't been burned down. Let's try to keep it together this time everyone.
Drive unity with strength and good on earth! And vision & action for Star Trek!
Still believing in manifest destiny.
FDI Energy, Inc. CEO, Fuel Cell Technology Inventor
9moDon Dawson, I like your thinking!👍 Let us not forget the main reasons for most of humanity’s setbacks to date (including the burning of famous Alexandria library): The need to conquer and control land, vital resources and people. It’s quite interesting to see all that evolving to the next level nowadays, through knowledge and technological advancements suppression (Did you notice that even the Dark Ages definition has been modified?😀). Let’s take the Fuel Cell technology as an example: Isn’t it peculiar that its evolution has been “stifled” far more than any other technology for the past 200 years? Aren’t batteries and electric grid dependency meant to serve as the new Control Tools, while Fuel Cells represent the “Freedom of Choice”? Isn’t it peculiar, that here on Earth, the Hydrogen fueling infrastructure is a MUST HAVE, while NASA is already planning to use HYDROGEN RICH FUELS, such as METHNOL (fossil fuels, biofuels, synthetic fuels also constituting ideal feedstocks)? In my opinion, this is the critical point in time when we either unleash the POWER of INNOVATION, or the setback will be irreversible. Note NASA’s reason for using Methanol as a Hydrogen carrier: