7 Ways to End Your Workweek on a High Note! 1. Thank Someone: Express gratitude to a colleague who has made a difference in your week. 2. Compliment a Team Member: Recognize the hard work of a teammate who excelled in their role. 3. Reach Out: Make that call you’ve been putting off or drop by a colleague’s office instead of sending an email. 4. Finish an Unfinished Task: There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of crossing a big task off your list. Celebrate this and all other wins! 5. Clean Your Workspace: A tidy desk can lead to a clearer mind. Start Monday with a fresh slate and a positive mindset! 6. Ask a Colleague How They Are Doing: Take a moment to check in with someone on your team and genuinely ask how they are really doing. 7. Pay It Forward: Whether it's a small act of kindness or offering help to a colleague, paying it forward can create a ripple effect of positivity in your workplace. Here’s to finishing this week strong and carrying that positivity into the next! How will you end your workweek on a positive note? #FridayFeeling
Gratitude is the right attitude!
I'd show my gratitude to a colleague. Thanks for the reminder Phillip Boiselle, MD
Love this! Ending the week on a high note is so important, and these are great ways to wrap things up. Personally, I’m ending my work week by reading a self-help book and then journaling about what worked this week and what didn’t. It’s always a good way to reflect and plan for the next one.
Great list! Ending the week on a high note is all about building positive connections and setting up for success next week. I especially love the idea of reaching out and genuinely checking in with colleagues – it’s a simple but powerful way to build a supportive work culture. 🙌
Excellent points Phillip Boiselle, MD - I will handle #4 today!
Making an effort in connection is an impactful to boost someone's energy...and your own.
Love these ideas for ending the week strong! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful points Phillip Boiselle, MD, I am going to start with #1
Those are wonderful ideas!
Global Business Process Owner - DTS | Founder of Pinnacle Elite | Helping STEM Professionals Build Wealth Through Smart Alternative Investments | Real estate investor
1moPhillip Boiselle, Ending your week on a high note starts with gratitude, recognition, and a fresh mindset. How do you plan to wrap up your week?