Storytime on the making of this year's DesignOps Summit (NEXT WEEK!).
As early as April this year, Louis, Bria, and I got together to hash out - "What's happening in DesignOps today?" We all have ideas - we're all witnessing what feels or has felt (improving these days) like a crisis. Strong, solid, talented veteran designers with deep experience in delivering and managing some of the best experiences in products we all know and love collecting unemployment and submitting job applications in triple (or more) digit figures. We've been seeing the disruptive impact of AI - both hype and very real - threats to knowledge work that used to take years of experience to master, delivered in seconds... (not always what you wanted, but getting you further than you would have been without). We've been seeing the very real and pressing rise and advancement of functionally specific operations roles taking hold as organizations recognize the need to mature how they listen, learn, and respond to our faster future at scale.
With this context - we batted around themes like "Unified Operations" (a bug that is still loud in my ear), the need to address the job market - (how teams are writing job descriptions, hiring, interviewing, and assessing candidates), the need to address gaps in R&D infrastructure, models of integration for enterprise agility... All the things. But I'm stoked about where we settled - primarily driven by our speaker proposals, "The Transformational Power of DesignOps." This key theme hinges on three days, each with its own sub-theme: "Resilience," "Impact," and "Innovation."
Once those themes were locked in and our speakers selected, we were off to the races, getting all the presentations in ship shape. If you've ever been fortunate enough to work with the Rosenfeld Media team to build a talk for one of their events, then you know it's one of the more intense commitments to excellence in event prep that's out there today. And if you have ever wondered if it needs that much prep, the proof is in the results.
As it has been every year, it was an honor to work with this year's curation team, Bria Alexander and Frances Y., to craft the program and work with our amazing speakers!
These are the last two days if you're sitting on the fence to grab a virtual seat for your DesignOps Summit. If you're looking for a small break on your free, register with my discount code: FUKUDA-DOS24 - but first, just check out the program, I think you're gonna love it!
#dos24 #designops #resilience #impact #innovation #transformation
CTO - Building the framework for the Metaverse and scaling innovative spatial experiences for clients such as P&G, SAP, BMW, AO, Siemens, Beiersdorf, and SE.
4moWow! Great job everybody!