Let's make it happen because Type II Diabetes is a huge cost burden to the global economy despite it being a reversible disease.
Insulin Resistance Syndrome, and it's consequences, is possibly THE biggest killer of human beings, right Tony Bartlett ?
I tried to Educate UK Physicians when discussing and laughing "Avandia" (Rosiglitazone) in the UK, but they weren't quite ready for the truth, and we're entrenched in prescribing sulphasalazine, which forces the Pancreas to work much harder, thereby destroying the Islets of Langerhans, and stopping natural process of Insulin production in the human body.
This was was very frustrating even in 2001, especially as we has NHS Pharmaceutical Advisors and N.I.C.E (National Institute for Climical Excellence) trying to stop Rosiglitazone from being prescribed as it was more expensive than the cheap "crap" that didn't work!
Hey ho, that's the NHS National Institute for Curbing Expenditure for you !?
Since the 1990's N.I.C.E have banned or restricted many groundbreaking medicines being available on NHS prescription, leading to a bigger financial burden on the NHS, human suffering and patients early death!
Such is the ignorance. Quite ironic really don't you think?
Omics Mega Lab Available for National Projects:
Attention all omics project leaders: Do you, or do you know anyone that needs specialist lab space that is suitable for running molecular screening or diagnostics? Located accessibly and centrally in the UK, this is potentially suitable for large-scale clinical cohort or population studies. The former staff at the Rosalind Franklin Laboratory in Leamington Spa are entertaining proposals for contract work or tenancies that could lead to reinstating this facility & leveraging the UK Government's earlier investment...feel free to contact me for an introduction.
2moWiSEED Mathilde Iclanzan