Think you know Gen X? Born between 1965 and 1980, this generation grew up during the rise of personal computers, the internet, and mobile technology. Their balance of traditional values and modern technology use makes these 44 to 59-year-olds a unique group. Our recent insight article highlights key traits/media habits of this rockin' generation 🎸 Check it out! #generationsseries #powermarketing #generationx #adstrategy
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With all this talk about Generation Beta, it’s a reminder that we rarely talk about my generation: Generation X. So, I wrote an article about us. Check it out!
What's Up with Generation X?
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"For the generation building the internet, the core question was always: 'What can we put behind a screen?' And the answer, it turned out, was pretty much anything. Everything is now digital. Of course, we have search browsers and social media apps, but it goes deeper than that. Restaurant menus are QR codes. Tap to pay is ubiquitous. Textbooks are iPads. Conferences are Zoom calls. Even cars have tablets for control panels and entertainment systems. We kept digitizing more, and more, and more, because for the generation that built the internet, digital was always better. But for the younger millennials and zoomers (like me) who grew up in a world where fully digital was the norm, the question is no longer what can we put behind a screen, but what should we? Which screens were mistakes? What should be reverted? Which “progress” actually set us back? And we’re beginning to see that reversion to analog in real time."
Analog Is Cool Again
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- 🌟 Embrace your inner tech guru! 🌟 Remember when computers were room-sized? Now, you can hold the world in your palm! 🌐📱 Dive into our latest blog post and laugh along as we explore the digital age with wit & wisdom. 🚀😂
Embracing the Digital Age with Wit and Wisdom — BOOMERNOLOGY
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Infomative... Generational Spending Power in 2024 ... Did you know ❓️❓️ Older generations control the largest share of global spending in today. Older generations, including Gen X, Boomers, and the Silent Generation, all account for a combined near 50% global spending compared to their share of the population. ... Meanwhile , Gen Z populatoon is on track to become the fastest-growing force in global expenditures over the next decade. Let's take a look at the share of global spending by generation in 2024 .... 👇👇
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My new episode of The School Whisperer comes out this week and it's all about parents managing their kid's electronics- when, what and why. I love this bit of research from Pew. Do you check your kid's phone or social media? Share below. #kidsandtech #theschoolwhisperer #secondhandsocialmedia #happykids #parentingtips
How Teens and Parents Approach Screen Time
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Check out our blog post #newblogpost
Understanding Neurodiversity: Embracing the Spectrum of Unique Minds
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A novel metric. The Usage Gap. It states that mobile broadband coverage in Africa is wide but there are less people using data. GSMA "As a result, the usage gap – i.e. the percentage of the population covered by mobile broadband but not using it, has been widening over the years. It stood at 61% in 2021 (or 44% of adults aged 18 and above)." This is a study done by reading papers but overlooks demographics and people who conduct these studies do not know Freakonomics, The Hidden Side of Everything African users consume less GB than Europe, the US, and other advanced countries, because the consumer pays school fees, educational materials, and transport. Speaking of transport: Here in Africa, in big cities, you have traffic jams of school vans delivering and picking up kids to and from private schools. Here enter Freakonomics: If a big share of the average household goes into educating children there is less money to consume data. But here is the good news: These kids grow up to consume data. They are digital natives. Hence the usage gap in Africa will disappear. Lucy Thome Mulinge Sylvia M.B.S Phyllis Migwi Stella Matutina Karangwa NOMSA MUSWAI MBA, PMP Economist Intelligence: EIU Mandisa V. Xuba Agnes B. In South Korea, Japan, and Europe the Usage Gap will appear as there is a smaller kids' pool of future data users.
Broadband Users' Pool
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CBUS 335 Assignment #3 I strongly believe that it is crucial for businesses to gather comprehensive data on the emerging generation. By diving deep into the characteristics and behaviors of different generations, companies can effectively customize their values and strategies to align with the unique traits of the upcoming generation. This task is undeniably challenging due to the substantial variations between each generation. Therefore, I propose that corporations proactively engage with local high schools and middle schools to gain profound insight into the emerging generation. This approach becomes even more critical in light of Generation Alpha's distinct needs for inclusion, security, and extensive knowledge of technology. #Marketing335Fall2024 #CAUMarketing
Welcome to Generation Alpha: Definition, stats, predictions
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Are you ready for the next generation? Welcome, Generation Beta! Check out this article for some info on what researchers are saying about the next generation and what that will look like:
2025 Marks The Start Of A New Generation. Here's What To Know About 'Gen Beta.'
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CBUS 335 Assignment #3 I found this article very informing and interesting about Gen Z. This article gives you a background of why they are called gen z and how they are different from the other generations. After reading this article I can relate to most of the stuff they are saying because this is my generation and most things they are saying about us are true. If anybody wants to learn about Generation Z this is a good article to come too. #marketing335Fall2024 #CAUMarketing McKinsey & Company. (2024, August 28). What is gen Z?. McKinsey & Company.
What is Gen Z?
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