PowerSpeaking, Inc.’s Post

In this age of information overload, what’s better than listening to someone who gets straight to the point, tells you only what you need to know, and does it in a compelling way? Great tips from PowerSpeaking Facilitators and Coaches Stephanie Moore and David Binder on the power of brevity. #powerspeaking #pslive #communicationskills #presentationskills #smartbrevity

View profile for Carrie Beckstrom

Chief Executive Officer at PowerSpeaking, Inc.

⚡️ To keep the business humming, you need people who can communicate highly technical and complex ideas in a crisp, clear, compelling way 🎯 Mastering that skill takes practice. I love the insights shared in a recent PowerSpeaking Live! by Stephanie Moore and David Binder, PowerSpeaking Facilitators and Coaches, on how to be brief yet informative: 👥 Know who’s in your audience and what they need to know now vs. later. Weedy detail is often better delivered in a handout or appendix. 📊 Especially if you have a mixed audience in terms of technical expertise and/or familiarity with your topic, organize your presentation so that it flows from big-picture information to a moderate level of detail, to deep-in-the-weeds data. 👏🏽 Communicate that information-flow agenda at the outset, so people know what to expect and can stay only for the level of detail they think they need. (They’ll love you for it!) Have you ever organized your presentation so it focuses on the differing needs of your audience? What strategies did you use? #powerspeaking #pslive #communicationskills #presentationskills #smartbrevity

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