𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟯 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 - 𝗚𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗹 𝗮𝘁 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗰𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗰𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 Both tubes of the Gotthard Tunnel have been open to freight and passenger traffic again since Monday, 2 September. The western tube of the world's longest railway tunnel (57 km) had been closed since 10 August 2023 following a derailment which led to diversions within Switzerland. The necessary work on the 7 kilometres of damaged tracks has now been completed on schedule. Read the full news (German / French / Italian) below #corridor #railfreight #rhinealpine #sbb
Rail Freight Corridor Rhine-Alpine EWIV’s Post
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The full history of the TATRA tramways around the world is described in this booklet - with a lot of photos, vehicle drawings, tables & technical details: "Les tramways Tatra". Have a look at our book review here: https://lnkd.in/dHJtagXM #tramway #lightrail #streetcar FACS Patrimoine Ferroviaire
L’Intégrale de Tatra - Les tramways Tatra - Urban Transport Magazine
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As expected, the cargo train accident of last year in Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland initiated positive Europewide learning from mistakes effect: following the incident, the Federal Office of Transport (FOT) initiated a procedure with the European Railway Agency to analyse the risk of wheel breakage and improve safety in rail freight transport. The new measures are intended to reduce the risk of further wheel fractures in the railway sector across Europe. They include downgrading certain wheel types with higher risks to "no longer thermally stable," leading to stricter procedures in cases of thermal overload. Additionally, larger minimum wheel diameters will be required for the last re-profiling and operation. The Swiss Federal Office of Transport (FOT) will inform all relevant parties in Switzerland and instruct them to immediately implement the recommendations. In other European countries, national safety authorities will handle the dissemination and enforcement of these measures. The industry standards and agreements will also be updated to reflect these changes. #rail_accident #gotthard #freight_transport
Internationale Massnahmen nach Entgleisung im Gotthard-Basistunnel
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🚄 Rail system under pressure – How to succeed? 🚄 The #RailSystem is the backbone of a robust #transportation environment, but it needs more reliable support to handle the increasing demands over time. As someone deeply invested in the future of European rail transport, I like to share my thoughts on a strong rail system. 💡 Success Factors: ✔ Master Plan Focused on Entrepreneurial Needs: A comprehensive plan is needed to ensure planning stability and meet the demands of doubling passenger numbers by 2030. ✔ Digital Infrastructure Investment: Immediate investment in digital signal technology on heavily used tracks to increase capacity and improve punctuality. ✔ Stable Mid-Term Financing: Adoption of a stable, rolling financing plan like Austria’s, with a focus on long-term stability. ✔ Public-Private Partnerships: Leveraging private capital to enhance funding and reduce the complexity of the current financing system. ✔ Reduced Political Influence: Decoupling infrastructure project planning from annual budget discussions to provide more entrepreneurial freedom. In my opinion, these approaches will help to strengthen the #RailwaySystem to set it up for the future. For further inspiring input I recommend reading our latest article “Mehr Spielraum für die Bahn” at #PorscheConsultingMagazine. Leading experts like Jens Sprotte, Maximilian Altmann, Stefan Bögl and Dr. Heike van Hoorn from the rail and vehicle industry, logistics and infrastructure share their valuable experience and views. https://lnkd.in/eGHZNAHT #Transportation #RailSystem #PorscheConsultingMagazine
Mehr Spielraumfür die Bahn - Porsche Consulting Das Magazin
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"Greenland is to become more accessible from the end of November 2024. The new airport in Nuuk will then begin full operations. As part of a major project lasting several years, the runway was extended from 895 meters to 2200 meters and slightly offset so that international flights can also land there. On the deadline in November, Air Greenland will move its Atlantic flights and thus the hub from Kangerlussuaq to Nuuk. With the new runway in Nuuk, there will also be an instrument landing system (ILS) for the first time, which allows approaches in bad weather conditions: To decide whether a pilot can land, a clear view of at least 60 meters vertically and 550 meters horizontally is sufficient for a "CAT 1 approach" that will then be possible. This should lead to considerably more stable flight operations. The expansion was preceded by years of political controversy. The state-owned Chinese China Communications Construction Company had also applied for the tender. This did not please NATO member Denmark, so the government in Copenhagen covered part of the costs on more favorable terms for Greenland. A location not so close to the city on the island of Angisunnguaq further south was also discussed. However, the project would have doubled the construction costs again due to tunnel and bridge construction." Till Bartels
Wie eine neue Piste den Flugverkehr Grönlands revolutioniert
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How would shipbuilding change with MEYER WERFT GmbH & Co. KG out of business? Internationally renowned shipping & cruise analyst Thomas P. Illes made a few remarkable statements in an interview for the NOZ/mh:n MEDIEN newspaper about the impending insolvency of the German shipyard: “While there would certainly be some people and groups who would welcome the loss of a cruise ship construction site, it should not be forgotten that the cruise industry is a driver of innovation in the direction of urgent issues such as decarbonization, zero emissions, etc. for the entire shipping industry, says the Owner and CEO of management consultancy thilles consulting GmbH. Illes describes the construction of cruise ships as “highly complex”. While the majority of all passenger ferries and RoPax vessels ordered by European shipping lines “as a preliminary stage to the cruise ship” are now built in Asia, cruise ship construction is - for the time being - still a European domain. “In China, they build high-speed trains, passenger jets and fly into space, but building large cruise ships is more complex in many respects,” says Illes. Nevertheless, he emphasizes: “If MEYER WERFT GmbH & Co. KG were to disappear, Asian shipyards could feel motivated to enter the market even more aggressively and quickly. This would drastically weaken European shipbuilding further and important R&D expertise - which is also relevant in terms of security policy in the current unstable times - would be lost." According to a spokesperson for the CLIA | Cruise Lines International Association quoted in the article, the cruise industry is one of the last maritime players maintaining shipbuilding in Europe. The cruise lines represented by the association have invested around EUR 33.9 billion in new ships since 2019. Further investments of 29.9 billion euros are planned over the next five years. 97 percent of these ships will be built in Europe. 👉 You can read the full artice (in German) by NOZ author Christoph Assies here (audio version without paywall): https://lnkd.in/g_eXw_ZY CLIA in Europe Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik e.V. (VSM) SMM Hamburg Seatrade Cruise fvw | TravelTalk BZLU Bildungszentrum Luzern Reinhard Lüken Claus Ulrich Selbach Simone Nakötter Claudine Pohl Ulrich Sommerfeld Mike Louagie Ruben Wansink Raoul Jack MBA FRINA AFNI Peter Hackmann Marion Hackmann Reto Suter Lucienne Damm Kjell Holm Dieter Janecek Marie-Caroline Laurent Julie Green Philomène Bouchon Martyn Griffiths Georg Ehrmann Nikos Mertzanidis Pythagoras Nagos Mary Bond Chiara Giorgi Simone Tommaso Maraschi Florian Feimann Klaus Hildebrandt Franz Neumeier Susanne Preuß #shipping #schifffahrt #maritime #schiffbau #shipbuilding #cruise #cruiseindustry #kreuzfahrten #greenshipping #clia #zeroemission #sustainability #nachhaltigkeit #navalarchitecture #china #germany #europe #deutschland #europa #wirtschaft #shipyard
Wie sich der Schiffbau ohne Meyer Werft verändern würde | NOZ
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Yet another clear signal that the German 🇩🇪government is adrift with the implemented transport and infrastructure policy to achieve the goal of modal shift set by the 🇪🇺 European Commission. This requires considerably and convincingly much more than verbal policy and support for inefficient wagon load transport that is partly at the end of its economic life from a commercial point of view. The policy course must be changed and decisive and consistent action must be taken with effective policy choices and appropriate measures must be taken to stimulate, facilitate intermodal transport, and fast, flexible, reliable, and efficient conventional transport by rail. Competitive infrastructure with sufficient capacity and a good price/quality ratio for rail transport carriers and its customers are indispensable. The only positive news is that the dismantling policy for modal shift and cost stacking for (intermodal) freight transport by rail in Germany, but also in the Netherlands, cannot sink any further and that the German and European economies will now find their way back up. Realism is settling in Europe is that we must not allow industry to emigrate, and we urgently need to strengthen our earning capacity and increase labor productivity to maintain our prosperity and well-being. In any case, there is plenty of capacity on the trains to transport considerable more freight. With major challenges that we all face in Germany, the Netherlands and Europe, such as maintaining a vital and competitive economy in a globally competitive playing field, the climate challenge, the transition to a more circular economy, housing construction and ensuring a safe, healthy, and livable environment. A well-functioning rail system for passenger and freight transport makes a major contribution to solving the challenges we face. The potential of intermodal and rail freight transport must and can be utilized much better. Only in this way can we meet the growing demand for goods in Europe, keep the freight transport system resilient and also create space and solutions to accommodate the major transitions that we are all facing. If rail transport is not made more competitive compared to road transport and in combination with road transport, we will miss goals and opportunities. What will it take for this to really get through to those ultimately responsible? 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻🎯 Off road, on the right track. 💚 #vitaleconomy #sustainabletransport #efficienttransport #infrastructure #modalshift #modalflex #intermodal #TENT #letsmakerailfreightgreatagain #customerfirst #consistentpolicy #decisiveness
Kombiverkehr: Verlagerungsziel der Bundesregierung in weiter Ferne
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Growing railway use important to EU wide decarbonisation plans.
Witamy czwartą suwnicę #RMG na bocznicy kolejowej #BalticHub! 🚆 Zelektryfikowana, wyposażona w najnowocześniejsze systemy bezpieczeństwa suwnica RMG4 dołączyła już do operacji kolejowych. Jak powiedział Charles Baker, CEO Baltic Hub: „Inwestycja pomoże nam sprostać zapotrzebowaniu na przepustowość kolejową, która od 2022 roku nieustannie rośnie. Dotyczy to nie tylko centralnej i południowej Polski, ale także Czech, Słowacji, Węgier czy Ukrainy”. W zeszłym roku na naszej bocznicy kolejowej obsłużyliśmy imponujące 540 000 TEU, a w tym roku spodziewamy się osiągnąć prawie 700 000 TEU. Systematyczne rozwijanie transportu kolejowego to również krok w kierunku bardziej zrównoważonego transportu i zmniejszania wpływu branży morskiej na środowisko 🌍. Dziękujemy naszym pracownikom, klientom oraz dostawcom za wsparcie i zaufanie. Razem dążymy do tego, aby łańcuchy dostaw były coraz bardziej niezawodne i efektywne! -- Let’s welcome the fourth #RMG crane to the railway siding in #BalticHub! 🚆 Electrified, equipped with state-of-the-art systems increasing safety and efficiency, the RMG4 crane has now joined rail operations. As Charles Baker, CEO of Baltic Hub, said: “The investment will help us meet the demand for rail capacity, which has been growing exponentially since 2022. This applies not only to central and southern Poland, but also to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary or Ukraine”. Last year we handled an impressive 540,000 TEUs via our rail siding, and this year we expect to reach almost 700,000 TEUs! The systematic development of rail transport is also a step towards more sustainable transport and reducing the environmental impact of the maritime industry 🌍. We thank our employees, customers and suppliers for their support and trust. Together let’s make a supply chain ever more reliable and ever more efficient! #BalticHub #infrastrukturakolejowa #transportintermodalny #logistyka #terminal #port #gdańsk #intermodaltransport #sustainability #innovation #inwestycje #rozwój
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Revolutionizing Scandinavian Rail: The Versatile EuroDual Locomotive 🚆💪 The need for innovation in Scandinavia's aging locomotive fleet was highlighted by the 2023 flood in Norway, which showcased the remarkable versatility of the EuroDual Locomotive. This incident demonstrated how the EuroDual's flexible (electric and diesel) capability is essential for sustainable rail transport, as it successfully maintained freight operations via alternative routes. 🔝👏 Additionally, its winter package ensures reliable performance in harsh conditions, reducing track wear and operational costs. Key Features of our EuroDual: ✔️ Dual-mode operation. ✔️ High tractive effort and low lateral track forces. ✔️ Enhanced cab comfort and remote control. ✔️ Specialized cold-weather features. Read more about the EuroDual in the recent publication in jarnvagar.nu: https://lnkd.in/diacBqpf European Loc Pool "Passion for Traction“ #Rail #Innovation #Sustainability #EuroDual #Scandinavia
EuroDual – framtidens godståg i Skandinavien – Järnvägar.nu
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Versatility, innovation, availability and diversification. These words define success in rail freight transport. EuroDual meets all of them and looks forward to the most demanding Scandinavian conditions. Together with us. Let's create success together with European Loc Pool AG
Revolutionizing Scandinavian Rail: The Versatile EuroDual Locomotive 🚆💪 The need for innovation in Scandinavia's aging locomotive fleet was highlighted by the 2023 flood in Norway, which showcased the remarkable versatility of the EuroDual Locomotive. This incident demonstrated how the EuroDual's flexible (electric and diesel) capability is essential for sustainable rail transport, as it successfully maintained freight operations via alternative routes. 🔝👏 Additionally, its winter package ensures reliable performance in harsh conditions, reducing track wear and operational costs. Key Features of our EuroDual: ✔️ Dual-mode operation. ✔️ High tractive effort and low lateral track forces. ✔️ Enhanced cab comfort and remote control. ✔️ Specialized cold-weather features. Read more about the EuroDual in the recent publication in jarnvagar.nu: https://lnkd.in/diacBqpf European Loc Pool "Passion for Traction“ #Rail #Innovation #Sustainability #EuroDual #Scandinavia
EuroDual – framtidens godståg i Skandinavien – Järnvägar.nu
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great collaboration with JOSEF MEYER RAIL AG mentioned in the article below! And to more precise the "LEILA light" in this case is called "FORMICA HP" and looks like in the comment below
Working together to innovate and shape the future of rail freight 💪 With the LEILA Light bogie, developed in collaboration between JOSEF MEYER RAIL AG and #PROSE, we are setting new standards in rail freight transport. The joint venture stands for efficiency, sustainability and technical excellence: LEILA Light reduces noise and minimises wear and tear on the rail infrastructure, resulting in significant cost advantages and increased speed. But such innovations require more than just technology. Cooperation and targeted use of resources are crucial to overcoming challenges such as the asymmetrical distribution of the costs of technologies and jointly paving the way for the future. Find out more about our developments here (only in German) 👉 https://lnkd.in/e_5U4EgB #shapingtomorrowsmobility #innovate #shape #future #rail #freight #LEILA #Light #bogie #collaboration #joint #venture #efficiency #sustainability #technical #excellence #cost #advantages #increased #speed #innovations #resources
«Die Asymmetrie von Vorteilen und Umsetzungskosten erachte ich als grössten Knackpunkt der DAK»
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Senior Global Project Management
5moRail Freight Corridor Rhine-Alpine EWIV This is a great news and will help many freight flows to go the "right" way... Thanks for all the work done!