AMULET PROJECT – As partners of the AMULET H2020 project, lets take a moment and recap the three years of synergistic collaboration, as the project is starting to reach its final stage.
In one of the important goals of sustainable future - of decarbonized and efficient circular economy - lightweight construction was identified as one of the key areas.
Over the past decades, the application of advanced lightweight materials, such as polymer-based composites, ceramic matrix composites and light metal alloys, has already enabled us significant weight reductions whilst increasing performance.
However, the application potential of advanced lightweight materials, has not been fully exploited by small and medium-sized enterprises.
And so, the trans – European project of „Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies united for Lightweight”- shortly AMULET - was formed and started its journey in September 2021.
The aim of AMULET was to exploit the innovation potential of SMEs through a cross-regional, cross-sectoral, funded knowledge exchange to establish new, pan-European value chains for advanced lightweight materials.
AMULET aims to help SMEs become more globally competitive by using technology expertise to create new and personalized products.
Consortiums of 2-3 SMEs - consisting of 34 SMEs from 17 different EU countries - are formed and AMULET's 15-months programme boosts each team with up to 120,000 EUR and technical support.
In it's third and final year, promising results include solutions such as new 3D printing methods and pioneering durable materials.
Now there are only 5 months left of the AMULET project and we are entering the final implementation stage.
All project partners and teams will meet on the 16-17 October 2024, during the 13th International Trade Fair for Composite Materials, Technologies and Products KOMPOZYT-EXPO® in Krakow, Poland to explore the
innovative solutions of the 15 team finalists!
Advanced Materials Department (K9) JSI will be there and we are looking forward to this dynamic meeting!
See you there AMULET team!
It's time to show off more successes of the AMULET H2020 project 🎉
Over the past three years, we have involved many of our beneficiaries in the project through various activities:
👉 webinars
👉 coaching
👉 open calls
👉 other events organized by the AMULET consortium.
We have had the pleasure of meeting not only online but also face-to-face.
We walked the journey through the AMULET project together 🎈
POLYMERIS | Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley | Bax | FundingBox | Jozef Stefan Institute | Clust-ER Meccatronica e Motoristica | Autoklastr | Clúster de Materials Avançats de Catalunya | Technische Universität Chemnitz | Flanders Make | Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) | IMAST scarl | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya |
Thanks to the Rheom Materials team for joining us at ISPO Munich! 🙌