Finland. Wake up. Every year in Finland, a young woman is chosen to wear a wreath of live candles in a ceremony held at Helsinki’s Lutheran Cathedral. This year, Daniela Owusu was selected as the Lucia Maiden through a public vote. Since her selection, she has received thousands of threats and inappropriate comments, solely because she does not fit the racist stereotype of what a Lucia Maiden “should” look like. Ironically, if St. Lucy—the inspiration for the Lucia Maiden—ever existed, she most likely was not white. Finland prides itself on being a country built on equality and education. Yet, we find ourselves succumbing to intolerance and idiocracy. Racism has no place in any society or institution. Yet it persists, infiltrating workplaces, schools, and even the Finnish Parliament. This isn’t just an issue for those directly affected—it harms all of Finland. As an aging nation, we urgently need to attract and retain foreign talent. But who would want to come to a country that doesn’t even embrace its own citizens? Let alone stay here. If we want to keep the lights on, or even have candles burning faintly in Finland, we must stop this. #finland #diversity #equality #stopracism
Folkhälsan (the organization behind the Lucia event) also has a fundraiser for families in need throughout December and January, and I’m at least hoping that the money raised this year will clearly show that many people do not accept this at all. It’s two flies with one stone, for a good cause and a statement against racism. Participate at
CEOs should be doing more to end racism than making these generic statements about equality. If white Finnish women faced a specific issue and were also not represented in the spaces that matter in society, I am 100% certain that more would be done. Finland is one of the most anti-Black racist nations in the EU according to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. Have CEOs educated themselves and their entire staff about anti-racism? Were Black people, especially women, involved, not as tokens but leaders in this training? Are there anti-racism programmes in your organisations? This is what matters more than statements and everyone would understand this if they actually listened to anti-racism educators who experience anti-Blackness, neo/colonialism and xenophobia. Racism is not simply about using racist words against us. For those clapping their hands and seeing themselves as the good guys for donating to causes that have nothing to do with ending the forms of racism I just mentioned, you have a very long way to go. To protect my mental health, I will not be dragged into a gaslighting debate by anyone who prioritises white fragility over the facts and horrors of racism, neo/colonialism and xenophobia.
Racism diminishes all of us. It weakens our society, our economy, and our national heritage. I used to hold my head high with pride as a Finn, but lately, not so much. My feelings range from sadness to rage, and now shame. Unfortunately, not surprised — in the slightest. We must stop this. We cannot stay silent. We must fight it with collective action and intelligence. Count me in — I want us to earn the right to be proud of our nation again. Let’s turn the silent majority into a loud one. #stopracism #diversity
Kauhea kokemus nuorelle naiselle. Valitettavasti tällaista suvaitsemattomuutta esiintyy suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa lähes kaikkia ulkomaalaisia kohtaan. Joillekin, kuten tälle naiselle, kirjoitetaan hirveitä asioita, kun taas toiset vain ohitetaan, ikään kuin heitä ei olisi olemassa. Esimerkiksi omalla ammattialallani (graafinen suunnittelu) ulkomaalaisia on tuskin lainkaan suunnitteluosastoilla. Markkinointi ja suunnittelu Suomessa on melkein 100 % suomalaisten hallussa. Tämä on todella surullista ja köyhdyttää suomalaista kulttuuria.
CEO @ hasan & partners
2wThe Shortcut is an impact-driven non-profit organization dedicated to professional integration, career transformation and entrepreneurship in Finland.