Chaos! Last year when we ventured to start our own entity it was full of Chaos! Obviously in the beginning we had good deal of information on what we wanted to accomplish, and we were quite clear on our Vision. However, the market uncertainties and initial failures kept knocking us back to the wall! The most important thing what as a startup we did is - we stopped seeking too much of clarity of the situation and started giving our commitment to make things work! We learnt it in our way that "Chaos and Uncertainty are best friends of a Startup!" Which will make us thrive hard and give our best to excel in our goals!
Who would have thought that - The idea which started on a causal coffee break! The plan which was jotted on a dinner table paper napkin! And the team who stood with me for a decade through the thick and the thin! All put together builds an entity and here we stand tall at the first milestone celebrating the First birthday of our baby – “Agnile Technologies”! Amazing!
It was an action-packed year, nothing less than raising a baby where each moment was filled with surprises! every small stuff made us to feel the joy and every tiny hurdle made us to feel like climbing a mountain! But what we enjoyed the most is ‘The Journey Of Raising An Organisation!’
Now, at the end of year ONE! When I recap what we achieved? Our both verticals ‘Product House’ and ‘Service House’ are doing extremely great and It’s really satisfying as these accomplishments were done when the market is facing severe headwind with various Geopolitical & Technological uncertainties!
We were positive in using the headwind and steering our organization to takeoff! Now it’s time to convert the startup into a scaleup! Stay tuned for lap TWO, And cheer for us!
@Agnilers its celebration time!
#Agnile #Anniversary #Godspeed
So how do we say it? Are we one year old OR are we one year young? We take it either way! as we’re growing!
Thanks to all our customers & partners for the trust that was showered on us and helping us to deliver value to their business! Special Thanks to all the ‘Agnilers’ in believing the concept of ‘Agnile’ and joining hands in building this organization!
#Agnile #Anniversary
VP Mergers & Acquisitions Integration at Rimkus
2moCongrats to all on your anniversary! Wishing you many more.