The week has finally come for the final summative assessment for my NPQH. The last 18 months have been challenging and rewarding but everything now rests on the next seven days (no pressure!). I've read the brief carefully and have already finished my first draft of section one but have lots more to do. It's going to be a challenging week, so wish me luck please! #NPQH #NPQ #ProfessionalDevelopment #PostGrad #Education #Teaching #Leadership #Schools Best Practice Network
You can do this! Last piece of the jigsaw to put in place 🧩
Rob Potts if anyone can smash this kind of challenge it’s you. Any team and any children would be lucky to have you as a leader. Positive vibes all the way! 💫💫💫
You'll smash it Rob, you always do 🤩
Good luck! You’ll be great.
Challenging…. But rewarding. Like The Chase.
Good luck
Senior Teacher, Behaviour & Welfare Consultant, Author, Columnist
9moSpecial mention to MF Doom, Idles and Bill Withers for providing the soundtrack to tonight’s work!