In recent days, a devastating landslide triggered by heavy monsoon rains killed 10 people – including two children - in the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The disaster destroyed or damaged more than 1,000 shelters affecting more than 8,000 people. This tragedy shows how vulnerable over one million refugees living in Cox’s Bazar are to extreme weather.
More than half a million children live in the camps in flimsy shelters made of bamboo and plastic sheets making them highly vulnerable to disasters and violence. With monsoon season just beginning in Bangladesh, the risks facing children and young people will only grow.
ChildFund is working with our local partner, EDUCO, to provide community-based disaster management training for young people in the camps. By doing so, we are helping to build their capacity as first responders so they can be there for their community when it is needed most.
Your donation this tax-time can help children and young people facing humanitarian disasters to stay safe:
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