SafeLives’ Post

💞As a friend, family member or neighbour, it’s not your responsibility to stop domestic abuse but there is lots you can do to help. 🫂If you’re worried that someone you care about is experiencing domestic abuse, you might not know what to say or do. You might be concerned about making the situation worse. Or you might find it difficult to understand why someone doesn’t leave. 👉Whatever the situation, our guidance can help you to #ReachIn. To help us to make sure victims and their families get safer, sooner, donate here: #BehindClosedDoors #EndDomesticAbuse #FriendsCanTell

  • Shows the ReachIn logo and reads 
 1. Prepare
 2. Ask
 3. Listen
 4. Reassure
 5. Offer help
Samantha Wall 🐝🐝

Digital Marketing Strategist- MCIM / Business & Student Mentor / Social Entrepreneur


Really helpful share thanks!

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