Today we delivered a significant Government election commitment for industry- something all public servants know is important - and I'm very proud of the Tourism Research Australia team in Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) for their work to measure #BusinessEvents in #Australia. A new interactive dashboard released today by the team thanks to funding provided by the Australian Government provides the official statistics on business events and related #travel expenditure and demonstrates the impact of events like conferences, trade fairs and expos within the Australian #VisitorEconomy. The new #data today shows business events contributed $20.9b to Australia's #economy in 2023 including: - $10.4b on food, drink, and accommodation, - $4.4b on domestic airfares, and - $1.1b on tours and entertainment. Of the $20.9b total, $2.6b was spent in Australia by international visitors. The remaining $18.3b of spend included $16.9b from domestic overnight travel and $1.4b through domestic daytrips to attend business events. International visitation for business events was in a recovery phase during 2023. International visitor numbers for 2023 (742,000) were at 71% of pre-COVID figures (compared to 2019). Check out the interactive dashboard and information here and tell me what you think! Australian Business Events Association Melissa Brown Dr Leo Jago OAM Sarah Gardiner Samantha Glass Michael Matthews Peter Savoff Nick Elliott Robin Mack Julia Swanson (GAICD) Glen Hingley Karen Bolinger Simon Westaway Rob Raulings Carlina Ericson Abby Keech Leanne Gollasch Margy Osmond Graeme Moses Mitchell Coveney Kiran J. McInnes Inga Davison Daniel Gschwind Luke Woolley Sonia McDonald Australian Business Forum (ABF) Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ACCI) Tourism, Hospitality and Events — Western Sydney University Griffith Institute for Tourism CAUTHE Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Tourism and Events Queensland #Travel #Tourism #Events #Data #TourismData
Thank you Samantha Palmer FIPAA and Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) for the investment in a foundational aspect for proving the economic impact and value of #businessevents - data. The ongoing collection and analysis will only benefit all those working across the industry.
great work Samantha Palmer FIPAA and fantastic to see Australian Business Events Association achieving so many of the objectives we set so early before inception !
Looks awesome will need to drill into it a bit more :)
Opportunity creator, problem solver | TED Speaker | Managing Director | Non-Executive Director | Advocate for all genders
9moThis is huge and so well received. Excellent outcome. I worked in the Business Events Australia at Tourism Australia from 2011-2014 and have a soft spot for this sector.