In our 40th year, the numbers tell the story of SCIS’s impact—thousands of schools served, millions of records downloaded, and countless hours saved for library staff. SCIS has been at the heart of school libraries for decades, supporting education and information literacy throughout Australia and across the world. Find out more about why we’ve become part of the fabric of school libraries:
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Reading for pleasure boosts literacy skills, wellbeing, and confidence. Yet, 1 in 7 state primary schools in the UK doesn’t have a library 📚 We’re excited to become part of the Libraires for Primaries campaign, a literacy initiative founded by National Literacy Trust and Penguin Random House UK. Our funding will support a primary school in Tower Hamlets to set up a library filled with new and exciting books! Learn more 👉
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Reading while school is not in session is so important.
Summer reading pays off in the new school year. Learn about the benefits of Scholastic Literacy Partnerships for libraries and community organizations:
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Salut les franco-ontariens! Que tu travailles dans un Conseil scolaire de l'Ontario français, que tu sois parent d'enfants francophones, quelqu'un du domaine des bibliothèques ou simplement quelqu'un qui pense à l'avenir de la francophonie de la province, la réflexion qui suit est pour toi. Ce n'est pas un secret que les écoles sont essentielles pour préparer les jeunes pour leurs avenirs. En assurant la formation professionnelle de nos enseignants et en les épaulant avec les ressources pédagogiques dont ils ont besoin (#CFORP), nos jeunes auront la chance d'atteindre leurs objectifs post-secondaires. Autre que les enseignants, nos écoles ont d'autres professionnels qui supportent le bien-être et l'apprentissage de nos jeunes. Les bibliothèques scolaires aident les élèves dans leur apprentissage en supportant le curriculum, en plus de leur autonomie d'apprentissage. Quand les ressources sont désuètes et qu'on offre pas d'outils en ligne pour supporter leur apprentissage, les jeunes franco-ontariens ne sont pas sur un pied d'égalité avec leurs contemporains des conseils scolaires en anglais. Si les bibliothèques scolaires au travers de la province souffrent, imaginez un peu la situation dans les bibliothèques scolaires des conseils francophones. Conseil scolaire Viamonde Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario (CEPEO) Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l'Ontario (CSPNE) Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien (CSDCEO) Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE) Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes-Rivières CSCNO - Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario Conseil scolaire catholique Franco-Nord Conseil scolaire catholique Providence (Csc Providence) CSDCAB-Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l'Ontario (CSPGNO) #Bilbiothèque #BibliothèqueScolaire #Ontario #OntarioFrançais #Onfr #fncsf Association des directions et directions-adjointes des écoles franco-ontariennes ADFO
How can you take action to Save Our School Libraries? We recently connected with nine Ontario authors who explain the importance of having a properly funded and staffed school library and, how together, we can highlight the powerful impact that school libraries have. We encourage you to take the time to watch the video. Sign the petition. Spread the word. Join the campaign. #SaveOurSchoolLibraries
Save Our School Libraries
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Introducing the Information Matters Project from EAVI. This project develops educational materials for older adults and training programs for adult education staff. In an age of an increase in misinformation, this project hopes to increase media literacy in our digital spaces. Learn more:
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While school efforts to promote literacy are crucial, the most powerful forces that create lifelong readers begin and end at home. The aesthetic and humanity of reading precedes and proceeds the skill. Below are ways parents can support reading at home.
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States across the country are implementing evidence-based literacy reforms—sometimes called the science of reading. In this month’s Literacy Lens, Dr. Mikkaka Overstreet looks at the community of practice facilitated by Oregon’s Teacher Standards and Practices Commission to help educator preparation programs align coursework with statewide plans.
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NEW: We're accepting applications from districts and schools for the $60 million Comprehensive Literacy State Development grant. This grant further supports Governor Mike DeWine's ReadOhio initiative, a statewide effort to improve literacy skills that includes the implementation of curriculum, intervention, and professional development aligned with the science of reading. Details:
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Louth Academy has embraced a transformative literacy initiative with the support of Reading Plus. They wanted a programme that would: 🟣 Enhance their new literacy initiative. 🟣 Increase reading engagement and confidence. 🟣 Introducing reading ages to meet year-level expectations. Explore the measures implemented to foster a robust reading culture within their school, including introducing a Lower School Library, a book vending machine, our reading development programme, Reading Plus and a dedicated Literacy Week:
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In 2025, we are working with legislators on policies that will help to rebuild our teacher pipeline - more funding for student teacher stipends, better data, resources for local programs, and more. However, we must also focus on local solutions to solve the teacher shortage. Read about what local school districts and higher education institutions are doing to train the next generation of teachers: Let's ensure every community has the resources to get qualified teachers in our classrooms.
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Reading proficiency is vital in allowing all students to access the KS3/KS4 curriculum. Reading with automaticity results in greater retention of subject knowledge...
🗣️: Calling all secondary school educators! We need your help to create a programme that addresses the literacy needs of secondary students who are excluded or at risk of exclusion. Literacy is for everyone, and our literacy interventions in alternative provision settings help to ensure young people are developing essential skills to shape their futures. So here's a question: What do you see as the main barriers preventing pupils who are excluded, or who are at risk of exclusion, from improving their literacy? If you've got a spare 10 (or even two!) minutes to spare, please complete our survey to share your experiences. Your expertise and insights help to make a meaningful difference to our programmes. Literacy is for everyone; no limits, no lost causes, no last chances. Take part:
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