THX Clancy, and it is an easy process and each state will have a FOIA office. It may be under a different name like Open Records Law, or Sunshine law that ensures you as a citizen can request specific information on how local state and federal funds are spent, who receives the funds and for what purposes and results. This is critical as one of the reasons this monopoly exists is how the total "numbers" are not always told to the public by the monopoly, such as how much they receive in administrative fees from the various state and fed programs to essentially do the same role? Examples are many. But what is missing in all of this? LOCAL Farmers who are asked/pushed to donate and then get meager funds related to harvesting; and the direct service provider/food pantry who is al volunteer, with challenges staying open and then asked to do the day to day role of seeing people face to face. Time to stop funding larger warehouses, excessive personnel/admin fees, fundraising efforts and the monopoly. LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL. Local solutions and actions are going to change the system as it refuses to change and coordinate for real solutions. Will you join the movement?
I've finally received the information from the FOIA request I submitted to our state, and what I've been asserting is now documented and proven. The challenge is determining how to use this information effectively for the greater good. 📑 🔖 🧾 It's important for everyone to know that FOIA requests are straightforward and not intimidating. As taxpayers, we have the right to understand how our government spends our money. 💪 💪 💪 #stopthemonopoly #moneyinhunger #fooddignity #time4change
Owner/Managing Director at FSC Concepts, LLC
1moWholeheartedly agree! Here in Florida, we have the Sunshine State laws and making the requests is easy. The trick can sometimes be finding the right person to ask. At one point, I had made so many requests, they were begging me to stop! But I did put the data to good use and it was very revealing on many projects. My advice - keep pushing until you get all the info you need.