My new published article. DOI 10.1088/2040-8986/ad77e3 A widefield microscope based on a Linnik interferometer was designed, constructed, and tested. The phase-shifting and polarized single-shot methods were used to measure interference patterns. Both methods use a low-coherence light-emitting diode as the light source, achieving a resolution of 10 nm in the Z direction and diffraction-limited resolution in the X and Y directions. The single-shot method is vibration-insensitive, allowing for the observation of moving objects. The simplicity and low cost of this instrument make it valuable for a wide range of applications.
Sergei Anishchik’s Post
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Integrated color cameras allow researchers to “see into each reactor,” even if they are not there. See profile reaction texture, i.e., homogeneous vs. heterogeneous with separated oil or solid phases, and see solid characteristics. This is really important since about 70% of reactions are heterogeneous and changes in the characteristics of reaction solids can be important to process understanding and scale up. #reactall #reactionscreening #reactionprofiling #reactionkinetics #routescouting #processchemistry #processchemist #synthesis #reactions #chemicalreactions
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The integrated color cameras in ReactALL™ provide invaluable insights into the reaction texture, and allow scientists to continuously monitor the ongoing reaction. In this short video, you can see the images captured during an experiment.
Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Technobis Crystallization Systems B.V. Technology Development || Strategic Execution || Team Leader || Crystallization Technology || Reactor Design
Integrated color cameras allow researchers to “see into each reactor,” even if they are not there. See profile reaction texture, i.e., homogeneous vs. heterogeneous with separated oil or solid phases, and see solid characteristics. This is really important since about 70% of reactions are heterogeneous and changes in the characteristics of reaction solids can be important to process understanding and scale up. #reactall #reactionscreening #reactionprofiling #reactionkinetics #routescouting #processchemistry #processchemist #synthesis #reactions #chemicalreactions
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How to embed a small specimen in a well of low melting agarose and Phytagel and mount it on a stage for imaging ? The architecture of PHASEVIEW Alpha3 light sheet microscope using a fluorescence microscope stand as a detection unit allows it to adapt to any experiment setting. Follow these steps : - Use T-spike holder - Put forming mold on top of holder - Fill with liquid - 0,8 % phytagel - Insert well-shaping mold - Wait for phytagel to solidify - Remove shaping molds - Add specimen and medium to well - Close with low-melting agarose drop. - Insert mold into sample chamber - Adjust sample orientation - Place sample chamber on translating stage More information in this tutorial :
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Bulk and fracture process zone contribution to the rate-dependent adhesion amplification in viscoelastic broad-band materials | Request PDF
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