Two words to describe BW Events Tech: Tech Agnostic. We love working with all the different providers in the market and supporting our clients with selecting and implementing the best technology for them. If you are interested in learning more about any of the companies listed here, let us know!
The New Wave of Eventtech. Here is an update on the event technology landscape. The map is also available as a PDF with clickable links. You can find it here This update refers to Q1 - 2024. I added two new categories: content and room block management. Some of the criteria for inclusion in the wider map: * New product features * Revenue milestones * Organic media coverage (no paid placements) * High-profile client sign-up * Recent funding rounds * Country-specific penetration * Recurring presence in online planner conversations * Positive online reviews If I missed you, send me a message by June 15, 2024 with an answer to the above criteria (it doesn’t have to be all of them). This edition is brought to you by BW Events, a platform-agnostic eventtech consulting agency and all around amazing people. Disclosure. Inclusion on this map is NOT pay-for-play. I have worked and do work with many of the companies listed. However, I also have never talked to many of the companies listed. This map does not endorse any of the listed companies and is not buyer advice. Who did I miss?