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Many thanks to you Jean Van Wetter and the Enabel and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH teams, along with European Think Tanks Group ETTG. It was good to have a frank and open discussion...... agreed on your takeaways below. And I'd add the point about the essentialness of (re)building trust; with those in FCAS / Fragility, Conflict, Violence affected contexts, here in Europe amongst taxpayers contributing to #ODA budgets, across partners and partnerships here in the #EU and between those here and in FCV contexts, in a #rulesbasedsystem and in #multilateralism. Part of how we can do so is through reshaping the narrative: ✔️ to be coherent on the fragility language ✔️ open and transparent around intentions and objectives ✔️ honest on the challenges ✔️ thoughtful on audience and availability of both information and disinformation ✔️ articulate on successes and impact, and ✔️ bold in communicating the choices and consequences of disengaging. #enablingchange for #impactthatmatters
What we need today is more cooperation, not competition. We also need a more pragmatic, less principled, approach to international partnerships. As part of our continued efforts to provide arguments and evidence for the European Union and its members states to continue to invest in international cooperation, and in fragile contexts in particular, we organized today at our office, together with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the presentation of a report called "Staying engaged as Team Europe in fragile settings". The report was commissioned by us to the European Think Tanks Group. Key takeaways include: For the EU: ✔️ Address the risks of disengaging from central governments and its long-term impact. ✔️ Equip agencies with clear mandates and consistent messaging for stakeholders. ✔️ Advocate for a unified European position to enhance coherence and unity. For cooperation agencies and development actors: ✔️ Enhance expertise and share knowledge across organisations. ✔️ Embrace locally driven approaches and flexible funding tailored to fragile contexts.. ✔️ Strengthen coordination and joint implementation among European stakeholders. The presentation of the report was followed by a panel debate with Pascal Yao Konan from the African Union, Lori-Anne Théroux-Bénoni from the Institute for Security Studies, Erica Gerretsen from the European Commission and Simon O'Connell from SNV. There was also an address by Cecilia García Gasalla from AGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE COOPERACION INTERNACIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO - AECID What I personally take away is that we need to put our today's action in a long term perspective, better learn from our past mistakes, and be open to work with non usual suspects. Thank you to Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel and Reinhold Elges for your great partnership on this topic. Thank you also to my team for a fantastic effort to bring this together. Thank you also to our colleagues from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Belgium for their presence and insights. The next step is to meet with commissioners Hadja Lahbib and Jozef Sikela to share and discuss the outcomes of the report with them. Read the full report here: #enablingchange Jean-Christophe Charlier Luc Meissner Clotilde Moulin Sibille de Cartier Philippe Bronchain Hazel Onkelinx Heidy Rombouts, PhD