Today is World Ozone Day 🌎 a day that is celebrated worldwide to raise awareness and teach us how we can all contribute to preserving our planet. One way we contribute to a healthier planet is through regenerative farming practices that help farmers improve water retention, maintain crop yields, increase farm productivity, enhance climate resilience, and heal the ozone layer. Agro-food forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and storing it in their biomass and soils. This reduces the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn helps to safeguard the ozone layer. This approach contributes to a healthier planet and a more secure ozone layer for generations to come. #WorldOzoneDay #solorganica #organicfruit #regenerativeorganic #regenerativeorganiccertified #regenerativeagriculture #sustainableagriculture #bcorp #bcorporation #fairtrade #nongmo #regenerative #soilhealth #healthysoil #regenerativefarms
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Happy World Ozone Day 🌎 This day is celebrated worldwide to raise awareness and teach us how we can all contribute to preserving our planet. One way we are contributing to a healthier planet is through regenerative farming practices which help farmers improve water retention, maintain crop yields, increase farm productivity, enhance climate resilience, and heal the ozone layer. Agro-food forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and storing it in their biomass and soils. This reduces the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn helps to safeguard the ozone layer. This approach contributes to a healthier planet and a more secure ozone layer for generations to come. #WorldOzoneDay #solsimple #healthysnack #driedfruit #healthyfood #regenerativeorganic #organicfruit #organicdriedfruit #exoticfruit #bcorp #bcorporation #regenerativeagriculture #regenerativefarming #soilhealth
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Biochar plays a crucial role in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions through long-term carbon sequestration in soil. This adoption helps lower CO2 levels and enrich soil carbon reserves, effectively enhancing soil health and fertility. By reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers, biochar promotes agricultural sustainability and contributes to global climate mitigation efforts. Additionally, it reduces dependence on fossil fuels. #Biochar #CarbonSequestration #ClimateMitigation #SoilHealth #AgriculturalSustainability #FossilFuelReduction
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The burning of fossil fuels, emissions from transport, and the environmental impact of intensive farming have all contributed to high levels of CO2 in our atmosphere. And scientists say this is the fastest and largest increase in CO2 the world has ever seen. A Call to Action. #ClimateChange #ActNOW!
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The week's news stories include a shake up for voluntary carbon markets, some positive news out of the Amazon, some less positive news from Antarctica and a look at how the humble but beloved daffodil could come to the rescue of New Zealand agriculture. Delve deeper - The headlines this week are: ➡️ Renewables out of carbon credit mix ➡️ The Jekyll and Hyde of ozone ➡️ Amazon deforestation slows ➡️ Cold but not so cold ➡️ Wave energy comes of age ➡️ Daffodils to curb agricultural emissions #voluntarycarbonmarkets #antarctica #daffodil #NewZealandagriculture #deforestation #waveenergy #agricultural #emissions
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We all know #Plastics have been an #environmental hazard, but specifically #Microplastics given a serious concern, which is found in most #remote areas on the #Planet, such as #water, polar icecaps, #Ocean. What's shocking is, it is found in #humans through the tiny #debris enters our bodies. To remove that, researchers from #Bengaluru designed an #sustainable hydrogel. Let's know more - #hydrogel #innovations #climatesolution #health #straw #chemicals #explore #India
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The impact of inorganic fertilizers on the problem of ozone layer thinning is a critical environmental concern. 🌱🌍 Excessive use of inorganic fertilizers leads to the release of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas contributing to ozone layer thinning and global warming. This emphasizes the need for sustainable farming practices and eco-friendly alternatives. 🚜♻️ To control this, we are promoting organic farming methods, reducing fertilizer usage, and adopting nitrogen-efficient crops are essential steps for safeguarding the ozone layer and combating climate change. 🌿🛠️ #OzoneLayer #ClimateChange #InorganicFertilizers #EnvironmentalImpact #SustainableFarming #NitrousOxide #EcoFriendlyFarming #GlobalWarming #WorldOrganicGroup
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Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide - oh my! GHG emissions are spooky, but possibly the spookiest is methane emissions because they have a warming power 80x more than carbon dioxide 👻. One of the biggest opportunities to address two main sources of methane in agriculture is through #Biodigesters. But a lot of work needs to be done to help address the challenges and create a stronger case for farmers to implement biodigester solutions. So here are three things we did this month to help advance this work! 1) We attended and presented at the #ValueOfBiogas West Conference to chat with folks in agriculture about CANZA's National Biodigester Initiative. 2) We supported Generate Canada in releasing the fourth episode of #TheAgPodcast on biodigesters. Watch and listen here -> 3) We wrote a blog post about the opportunities of biodigesters as a circular solution. Read it here -> #ThrowbackThursday #Biogas #HappyHalloween #CanadianAgriculture #CircularEconomyMonth Circular Economy Leadership Canada Generate Canada Circular Economy Month
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Why Biochar Matters for Environmental Change 🌍 Biochar plays a transformative role in addressing environmental challenges. Here’s how: 🌱 #CarbonSequestration • Biochar locks carbon in a stable form, preventing CO₂ release and helping combat #ClimateChange for centuries. 🌾 #SoilHealth • Improves soil fertility, boosts #NutrientRetention, and enhances water-holding capacity, leading to better #SustainableAgriculture practices. 💧 #WaterQuality • Adsorbs pollutants like heavy metals and dyes, protecting #WaterResources and preventing contamination of aquatic ecosystems. 🔋 #GHGReduction • Reduces emissions of potent greenhouse gases like methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O), tackling #GlobalWarming effectively. ♻️ #WasteManagement • Converts agricultural and organic waste into a valuable resource, reducing landfill usage and associated #MethaneEmissions. 🌾 #CropProductivity • Enhances #CropYields by improving soil conditions, supporting #FoodSecurity amidst changing climates. 🌿 #RenewableEnergy • The pyrolysis process generates bioenergy (syngas and bio-oil), advancing #CleanEnergySolutions. 💪 #ClimateAdaptation • Strengthens soil resilience to drought and nutrient depletion, aiding #ClimateResilientAgriculture. Biochar isn’t just a tool; it’s a #SustainabilityChampion for a healthier planet. 🌍
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Beemats uses #aquaticplants to help purify #lakes, #canals, #stormwaterponds, #rivers, & #estuaries by removing #nitrogen & #phosphorus pollution, resulting in cleaner, healthier water & reducing the likelihood of #algaeblooms. #LakesAppreciationMonth #environmentalscience #environmentalengineering
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While many today are laser-focused on curbing emissions, what often gets lost in the overall discussion is just how much we could help local ecosystems in a deeper, more meaningful way. The best solar and wind developers take an active role in improving water quality, soil health, and more by modeling regenerative agriculture practices at our sites. It's awesome to see how some are truly committed to making a positive environmental impact our Lessors, their animals (now loving life in the shade), the surrounding communities, and the planet can all benefit from! #renewableenergy #agrivoltaics #windenergy #solarpower #solar #regenerativeagriculture #stakeholderoutreach
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