Stacey L. Clardy, MD PhD FAAN’s Post

View profile for Stacey L. Clardy, MD PhD FAAN

Autoimmune Neurologist, Associate Professor at University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics

📣 HURRY - Last Day for Advance Registration Rates for the American Academy of Neurology Summer Meeting on Autoimmune Neurology with a focus on Neuro-Infectious Disease (and even some Neurogenetics, too). These two packed days (Friday and Saturday) are so important in this rapidly evolving field, to ensure that ALL patients -- regardless of where they live -- receive timely, efficient diagnois and treatment of these neurologic conditions. For the first time ever, we will also have a Patient Voice Stage at the event-- to give clinicians an opportunity to hear honestly and directly from those whose lives are so profoundly affected by Autoimmune Neurologic Disease (Thank you The Sumaira Foundation for sponsoring the Patient Voice Stage 🧠 🎤 ) Link to register for the meeting: #AutoimmuneEncephalitis #NMOSD #MOGAD #StiffPersonSyndrome #CVID #PrimaryImmunodeficiency #AutoimmuneEpilepsy #Neurosarcoidosis #NMDAREncephalitis #NeuroInfectiousDisease #CIDP #Myopathies #MyastheniaGravis The Stiff Person Syndrome Research Foundation, SRNA | connect. care. cure. ™ , The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation, Encephalitis International, Autoimmune Encephalitis Alliance, Inc, Immune Deficiency Foundation, RARE Revolution Magazine, National Organization for Rare Disorders, Neurohospitalist Society, Neurocritical Care Society, World Federation Of Neurology, European Academy of Neurology, American Neurological Association, American College of Physicians, American Brain Foundation, The Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (AMLI)

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