Hot take for some: RevOps isn’t just Sales Ops or Marketing Ops with a sexier name. Full stop. If it was just pushing contracts and reporting pipeline numbers, the folks executing would need a hell of a lot more coffee.
I had a few convos this week about it and here’s the thing — I’ve lost track of the number of times I explain what it is and where someone replies with, "Oh, so you’re the revenue fix-it crew?"
Sure, (but 🤢 internally) I could tell you where the revenue leaks are.
But frankly, RevOps is way more than a fancy duct tape job for sales. It’s about getting every team that touches revenue— sales, marketing, customer success, and everyones vested pals in finance to play and actually work together, building a plan together, and executing on that plan... together. 🤝
Align your data, breaking down silos, and setup up a smooth path from "Hey, I’m interested" to "Yes, let’s renew for another three years."
The first step is centralize your data.
If your teams are fighting over whose numbers are "right," it’s time to get everyone looking at the same scoreboard, for the love of data.
What’s the biggest RevOps position you’ve heard lately that got you noodling on it a bit?
#RevOps #AlignmentOrBust #SaaS
Founding Data Engineer at Stack Integrated
3moGreat insight!