Stuart Hartley’s Post

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Flour Power - Art & Design - Think Tank - Alternative Approach

Post 1 of 2: "FIRST LOOK: Jaguar Type 00 – Let The Chaos Begin!" I am guessing this is called the Type 00, because there is zero in it on the outside and zero about it on the inside. This has many cues from Lady Penelope's Rolls Royce car in Thunderbirds and this is a great place to start to speak on the new Jaguar Logo symbol. Rolls Royce has two 'R's' in it because Rolls Royce is the name and with Jaguar have their new logo with looks like a well known fragrance logo with the word 'Coco' in it and yes the gold finish works well on a fragrance bottle, but on a car it appears to cheapen it or make it look chintzy. No other car brands have Gold, they always seem to go for silver and with Jaguar wanting to be different I think the better option would of been 'Pink Gold' because that has a bit more of a classy look and feel. Now the second part with the logo is the 'J' on the logo symbol or emblem is on it not once, but twice, so is that the new name of the Jaguar car company now being 'Jaguar, Jaguar'. The style of this car reminds me of another large brute of a car being the 'Cadillac Sixteen' 16 cylinder engine car and the shape of that car isn't that far different to the 'Type 00', James May drove that Cadillac Sixteen in 2003 and he said that this high spec high cylinder engine bringing total 'Luxury' was the new 'Performance' and not relating to the power of the car but the sheer luxury it brought was performance. Now the colour being some type of Rose, but the presenter in the video says 'pink' and it is and it is known as 'Miami Pink' since its debut with the general public. The other colour is 'London Blue' and both the metallic matt flat colours I do not like on this car and presenter shows the Type 00 in Black which works well, and British Racing Green and not too sure on that one. Maybe White, Silver or Jaguar Red would be a better choice. Because this Jaguar, Jaguar Type 0 0 is such a shift from current purchasable Jaguar's seeing a photo in the Top Gear episode has seriously and I think badly aged their current line up making me I not wanting this new Jaguar Type 00 and also I don't want any of their existing range cars to buy in 2nd hand either, it really has aged and outdated their current cars really badly. I think Jaguar has changed far too much in one go and this is jarring badly on the new and current cars and the only thing they haven't changed is the name of the car company and considering just how much of a Full Send Jaguar have done with the car company and the new Type 00 they might as well of changed the name also going full hog into it.

FIRST LOOK: Jaguar Type 00 – Let The Chaos Begin!

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