Teen-Turn reposted this
💥Excited to share that IBM hosted the Teen-Turn SciFest CLG Final on Dec 14th, in partnership with CWiT Ireland (Connecting Women in Technology) 💥 Reflecting on my nearly 18 years at IBM, I'm often get asked what keeps me here. This video captures it all - the impact we make, the executive sponsorship to give back, and the fun we have along the way. #proudibmer #CWIT #womenintech Siobhan Allut Matteo Scardaccione Nathan Cullen Deborah Threadgold
Heartfelt thank you to Jane Bruno, FCCA, Olesja Darnopiha and all our fabulous volunteers for making this possible. I’m inspired by people like you. You get me going through hardship and help me reach the stars 🌟 Teen-Turn SciFest CLG CWiT Ireland (Connecting Women in Technology) IBM
Fantastic event and great organisation Jane Bruno, FCCA Olesja Darnopiha Matteo Scardaccione and all the great volunteers. Most importantly congratulations to all those who participated. Great event #Teen_TurnSciFest #cwitireland #ibm #womenintech
What a team we were! hope 2025 will bring us more collaboration opportunities like this one 🙌 🤩
The video really says it all. I'm certain you have left a positive footprint in the life of many "teens".
What an amazing event! 💥 Your passion for giving back and the impact of nearly 18 years at IBM really shine through. Moments like these show how much of a difference we can make! 🙌🎉
Fabulous! Fantastic to see familiar volunteers and some new faces too. Looks like you put on a brilliant event and inspired lots of teens 🤩
Thanks for sharing, great going team. Looks like such an engaging and fun event!
Jane Bruno, FCCA absolutely amazing 👏 huge congratulations 🎊
Executing deal pricing strategies at IBM
2moOlesja Darnopiha Niámh O'Hare Annika Paul Elisabeth Dirnberger Roopali Thapar Dahab Sharaby Emilie Peloille Joana Ganilho Marques Arnaud Allut Mariela Milanova Sergejs Pantepajevs Ann Patton Alekhya Rudroju Maeve Elliott Trudi Brook Tracey Martin Victoria Mackechnie Clodagh Moriarty Emma Shanks Ríona McIlraith Miriam Krafzick