Si el mundo nos pide cada vez más productos gluten free, habrá que hacerlo lo mejor posible, ¿no te parece? 🌾🚫 En GASHOR tenemos clara la ruta para conseguirlo: 1️⃣ Diseño de la planta en zonas separadas con distintas áreas para la producción de alimentos con y sin gluten. 2️⃣ Un proceso industrial controlado y seguro: Esto se consigue estableciendo un flujo de trabajo que minimice el riesgo de contaminación cruzada. 3️⃣ Equipos específicos: Utilizar equipos y utensilios exclusivos para la producción de productos gluten free. 4️⃣ Limpieza rigurosa: Establecer procedimientos de limpieza exhaustivos y regulares para todas las áreas de la planta. Diseñar los equipos para facilitar la limpieza. ¿Te apetece seguir el camino de la seguridad en los alimentos gluten free? Te invitamos a hacerlo juntos. Infórmate y te informamos ⬇️ #Gashor #GlutenFree #SeguridadAlimentaria --- If the world is asking for more and more gluten-free products, we have to do our best, don't you think? 🌾🚫 At GASHOR we have a clear path to achieve this: 1️⃣ Plant design in separate zones with different areas for the production of gluten and gluten-free foods. 2️⃣ A controlled and safe industrial process: This is achieved by establishing a workflow that minimizes the risk of cross-contamination. 3️⃣ Specific equipment: Use equipment and utensils exclusively for the production of gluten-free products. 4️⃣ Rigorous cleaning: Establish thorough and regular cleaning procedures for all areas of the plant. Design equipment to facilitate cleaning. Would you like to follow the gluten free food safety path? We invite you to do it together. Find out more and we will inform you ⬇️ #Gashor #GlutenFree #FoodSafety
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De nuevo con el gluten free esta vez masas hojaldradas fermentadas fritas , en Cataluña les llamamos Xuixos( chuchos) pero esta vez gluten free ......#pascualmethod #pascualmethodformación #formacionglutenfree #glutenfree #metodopascual #formacionespecializada
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The FDA is redefining "healthy" for food packaging claims. Avocados, salmon and olive oil are eligible. So is water. But fortified white bread will no longer qualify.
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Up next in the "what will we make milk from this time" series? It’s not oats, pistachios, or peas. Potatoes 🥔 Potato milk has been gaining more traction recently and may be the new cool kid in the non-dairy section soon. Outside of our insatiable desire to milk-ify everything, there are some compelling reasons why this is an emerging product we might be hearing more about. Some thoughts on why this will likely continue to grow: 1/ first, why potatoes? They’re abundant, produce a high yield, are relatively cheap to grow, and require less land and resources to produce than oat or almond milk. It has a mild taste, a creamy texture, and being nut-free compared to other non-dairy options helps appeal to a wide range of dietary needs. Overall it makes a case as a versatile substitute for drinking, cooking, baking, etc. 2/ the thirst for non-dairy The potato milk market has strong growth potential - projected to reach over $600 million by 2030. That’s a decent little slice of the multi-billion dollar plant-based milk category. And in a category that continues to grow, it seems there is potential to grab some additional market share. 3/ planting roots Swedish brand DUG has already made waves with their potato milk, winning a 2021 World Food Innovations Award. -DUG heavily emphasizes its product's low environmental impact, aligning with consumer values. -the lineup includes Original, Barista, and Unsweetened versions -reception has been positive, but there are still challenges to overcome to ensure wider adoption. 4/ where it goes from here Milk made out of french fries. Kidding please don’t do that. That would be weird. As an emerging product, awareness and adoption rates are still low compared to commercially established plant-based milks like almond and oat. Like the playbook of other non-dairy milks, success will depend on overcoming the challenges of consumer education as well as competition in a crowded market. Early adopters will likely include health-conscious consumers and those with dietary restrictions. For CPG and foodservice companies willing to innovate, potato milk could be an opportunity to tap into evolving consumer dietary preferences and environmental concerns.
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Cuál es problema de agregar almidón de papa, yuca, maíz a las harinas llamadas "all purpose" sin gluten? (La mayoría de las mezclas prelistas y productos gluten free los contienen), Qué harinas sin gluten uso y cuáles no? No todo lo que nos muestran como saludable lo es! Iniciamos próximo curso presencial en Bogotá de Panadería plant based (vegan, sin huevo ni lácteos) sin gluten sin almidones procesados ni refinados; el sábado 6 de julio 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. nos enfocaremos en panes de masa madre y panes keto (sin harinas de cereales ni de legumbres). #plantbased #healthyfood #veganfood #glutenfree
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Las leguminosas son uno de los alimentos del futuro, su alta cantidad de proteina y el bajo impacto ambiental que tienen en comparacion con una proteina animal, la esta catapultando como una de las mejores opciones para alimentar a la creciente poblacion mundial. Aqui te dejo una receta para que puedas disfrutar de ellas incorporandola a tu dieta. Conoce más en nuestro sitio web: Si estás interesado en comprar leguminosas te invitamos a: #ComidaEsVida #alianzaleguminosasparalasalud #leguminosasparalasalud #comeleguminosas #leguminosas #nutricionsaludable #siembrasustentable #USApulses #frijoles #baseplantas #plantbased #proteinavegetal #fibra #hierro #magnesio #vegetariano #foodies #hazejercicio #gastronomia #superfood #alimentosaludable #legumbres RECETA : * 1 tofu extra firme * 200 Gramos Cebolla finamente picada * 100 Gramos Tomate finamente picada * 10 Gramos de Chile finamente picado * 150 Graos de Proteina de chicharo * Sazón para el tofu - Cdta Levadura nutricional - Pizca de Paprika - Cdta de Sal - Pizca Pimienta - Pizca de comino - Pizca de curcuma * Cilantro * Aguacate PROCEDIMIENTO : 1. Primero vas a tener todos los ingredientes listos 2. Vas a colocar un poco de aceite y vas a dorar la carne Veg Mex 3. Retiras la carne una vez dorada 4. Colocar La cebolla el chile picado 5. En un bowl , mezclar el Tofu con los condimentos, sazonar y reposar. 6. Agregar la carne a la cebolla y chile con tomate, dejar por 5 minutos 7. Agregar el tofu mezclado 8. Cocer por 5 minutos 9. Acompañar con tortillas de harina y aguacate
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I’m thrilled to have contributed to this article! Yeast extract is truly a powerful ally in creating more flavorful and nutritious plant-based foods, aligning innovation with health. A great read for those looking to understand how natural ingredients can transform the market!
The main challenge for the plant-based food industry is to create products that effectively mimic dairy products, improving their nutritional profile, taste, and texture, reproducing their functionality, and maintaining the cleanest possible label. In this article, we discuss how yeast can balance the taste of plant-based foods, especially in plant-based beverages and cheeses. We present data and insights from our food product specialist, Lara Gazolla de Rezende, and show how Biorigin's natural-origin ingredients can be applied. Click on the link and enjoy reading: - O principal desafio da indústria de alimentos à base de plantas é criar produtos que imitem os laticínios de forma eficaz, melhorando o perfil nutricional, o sabor e a textura, além de reproduzir a funcionalidade dos laticínios e manter um rótulo o mais limpo possível. Neste artigo, discutimos como a levedura pode equilibrar o sabor dos alimentos plant-based, especialmente em bebidas e queijos à base de plantas. Apresentamos dados, insights da nossa especialista em produtos foods, Lara Gazolla de Rezende; e mostramos como os ingredientes de origem natural da Biorigin podem ser aplicados. Acesse o link e boa leitura: #Biorigin #Yeast #YeastExtract #PlantBased #Vegan
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Aprende a formular tus productos gluten free sin depender de productos "milagrosos" para hacer las masas. Si quieres dominar y llegar a la excelencia en las elaboraciones gluten free acude a un profesional del mismo,verás como tus productos se convierten en los mejores. Sin mix comerciales, sin dependencia de harinas suministradas por los "pseudoprofesionales" que te hacen dependiente de ellos y provoca que tus productos sean iguales que la competencia. #pascualmethodformacion #panessaludables #pascualmethod #bolleriacreativa #panescreativos #formacionespecializada #metodopascual #panaderiaartesanal #bolleria #ArtesanalesDeVerdad #glutenfree #glutenfreefood #panaderiaglutenfree #bolleriaglutenfree
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The Advantages of Storing and Producing Your Own Dehydrated Goods and Vacuum Packed Meats In today's fast-paced world, self-sufficiency and sustainability are becoming increasingly valued. One way individuals can achieve this is by storing and producing their own dehydrated goods and vacuum-packed meats. This practice not only offers numerous benefits for individuals and families but also contributes to reducing food waste and promoting a healthier lifestyle. 1. Extended Shelf Life: Dehydrating food removes moisture, which is a prime factor in food spoilage. By removing moisture, the shelf life of foods is significantly extended, allowing individuals to store goods for longer periods without the risk of spoilage. Similarly, vacuum-packing meats removes air from the packaging, preventing oxidation and significantly slowing down the growth of bacteria, fungi, and mold. 2. Preservation of Nutritional Value: Dehydrating food preserves much of its nutritional value, including vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Unlike some other preservation methods, such as canning, dehydration typically requires no additives or preservatives, ensuring that the natural goodness of the food is maintained. Vacuum-packed meats also retain their nutritional content, providing a convenient source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. 3. Cost Savings: Buying dehydrated goods and vacuum-packed meats in bulk and then storing and producing them at home can lead to significant cost savings over time. By purchasing ingredients when they are in season or on sale, individuals can take advantage of lower prices and avoid the premium often associated with pre-packaged goods. Additionally, by reducing food waste through preservation, individuals can make the most of their food budget. 4. Convenience and Accessibility: Having a supply of dehydrated goods and vacuum-packed meats on hand provides convenience and accessibility for meal preparation. Dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and herbs can be easily rehydrated for use in soups, stews, and casseroles, while vacuum-packed meats can be quickly thawed and incorporated into a variety of dishes. This convenience is especially valuable for busy individuals and families looking to streamline mealtime preparation. 5. Emergency Preparedness: Storing dehydrated goods and vacuum-packed meats can also contribute to emergency preparedness. In the event of natural disasters or other emergencies that disrupt food supply chains, having a stockpile of shelf-stable food can provide peace of mind and ensure that individuals and families have access to nutritious meals when needed most.
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Desarrollo de productos gluten free , Focaccia, pan de aceitunas y hierbas , panes de nueces y pasas y panes de chocolate..TODO GLUTEN FREE #pascualmethod #métodopascuall #pascualmethodformación #ArtesanalesDeVerdad #formacionespecializada #pascualmethod #formacioncontinua #metodopascual #formacionglutenfree #glutenfreefood #ArtesanalesDeVerdad #formacionespecializada #metodopascual
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Assessment of Practices on Purchase of Packaged Foods and Utilization Patterns of Food Labels among Adults in Puducherry
Assessment of Practices on Purchase of Packaged Foods and... : Indian Journal of Community Medicine
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