How to Instantly lose when selling? Pitch! Because you’ve made the sale about you! Which is not how you sell. The sales conversation should only ever be about your client. So the question is, are you unintentionally doing this to potential clients without realizing it? Remember to open up the dialogue by understanding and being curious. Ask the right questions. Do this and you’ll never have to pitch to try and win more sales! Do you need help and over being stuck earning less than you deserve and want a proven sales strategy with guaranteed results? Send me a DM and let’s chat. #howtosell #sales #salescoaching
It's all about them. They could care less about you or what you have going on.
Mic drop! This is why you're the sales guru Tyler Archer 💪
Startup Pitching & Sales Coach - Helping startup founders perfect their pitch, attract investors and close deals with impactful sales presentations.
5moDeep discovery and understanding the prospect is the most important part of your sales call... at the end you'll offer a tailored solution (the pitch), never start with a pitch. Tyler Archer