Are your sales calls resulting in sales? Or are they going completely wrong? If you’re constantly losing out, it's time for a change. Having the right approach could be exactly what you need to seal the deal. Need help closing your sales calls? Send me a message. #sales #howtosell #salescoaching
If sellers were to treat the first 80% of a sales call as a client onboarding call, and the last 20% as making a plan and getting a decision, they're closing rate would surge
It is never just about you. Especially in the beginning..
Always put the focus on them Tyler ❤️ 🙏
Shift selling mindset to helping mindset
A BIG YES. You solve problems, money will come to you. That's how the game plays.
Prioritizing listening over speaking helps a lot. Nice one, Tyler Archer 🧡 👏
This sales 101 Tyler Archer!
Mrs Hustle - Loves the admin jobs you hate! 💪🏼 | Not just any old VA 🚀 | Taking time wasting tasks away from business owners | Loves all things Linkedin!
5moConnect and understand the problems - spot on!