1.1 million That’s the number of girls who are out of school in Afghanistan. Our Gender Country profile reveals that the consequences of inaction in restoring the full spectrum of women's and girls' rights are CATASTROPHIC. We are on the ground in #Afghanistan and committed to stay and deliver. 👉 Check out our new Gender Country profile funded by the European Union: https://lnkd.in/dM--f9k3
I find this post highly strange given that the UN itself has agreed to the Taliban's demands to not allow any Afghan women to the talks going on about the country, and to take women and girls' rights off the agenda. Actions speak louder than words and these actions are appalling.
What action is UN Women taking? Taliban has a seat at the table at the UN-led Doha talks and no representation from Afghan women.
È una vergogna per loro e per noi che non riusciamo a fermare questo comportamento irrispettuoso e denigratorio verso le donne afgane!!
Evidently after leaving the area, big-nation-men are not interested in the aftermath. It is the ultimate proof, that all of them weren't fighting for democracy or freedom, but just for geopolitical profit. Only a century of women could save the world!
#Afghanistan and every other nations in #war lead women's and girls' paying the highest prize for several forms of #violence
It’s sad beyond words. The profile shows 2.5million girls out of school, 1.1m is the number of secondary school age girls out of school.
...Are there any countries where Women and Girls "have the full spectrum of Rights"?
The terrible situation of Afghan women and girls requires decisive action, as words have failed to bring an imperative change.
Every Afghan girl who was born or lived in Afghanistan in the last 25 years has faced at least three years of no education or was forced to be out of school.
C-Level Operations & Transformation Executive
6moI would like to know what the UN is doing to revert this situation, for afghan women and girls, and also for all girls around the world.