Sexual Harassment Awareness Day’s Post

"I would like everyone working in the academic world to be able to go to work without being more afraid of comments on their clothing than on the content of their research." – Paul Pignat, scientific officer, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday

Dario Dörig

Head of media and lab ware preparation


Of course! Comments about content of one's research should definitely be the thing a scientist should be most afraid of.


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