Quick overview of Mario Draghi report.
🚀 The much anticipated Draghi Report on 'The Future of European Competitiveness' landed earlier this week! 💡With nearly 400 pages of analysis and recommendations, the full report is a long read. Below you can find some of the key points identified by our Brussels team across the competition, critical raw materials, energy, financial services, healthcare, technology and transport sectors. 📢 If you would like a more in depth interpretation of the report specific to your business, please reach out to our team: Carmen Bell at cbell@apcoworldwide.com #EU #publicaffairs #Europe #European_Union Tea Moravek Carlota Rabena Luca Negro Emese Toth Julian Gray Laura Martins Edward Zeinoun Alaa Khalaily Hannah Bettsworth Jonathan Shearman Bartolomeo Poggi Edoardo Ravaioli Chiara Artico Mikaela Zimmermann Carmen Bell APCO