Black Friday isn't just a day anymore. It's a weeks-long frenzy of consumerism. And the craziest part? 80% of items purchased on Black Friday are thrown away after a few uses. We don’t just need to rethink what we own. We need to rethink how we consume. Repair, reuse, rent… Go circular! But don't feed the beast. ♻️ Repost for a greener Black Friday! #circulareconomy #blackfriday #climatechange #sustainability
How do we fix the whole system: not just consumers going circular, but companies too?
And don't forget to join the anti-movement to Black Friday - Circular Monday wit is the Monday before Black Friday. Monday the 25th of November. Thousands of companies from 40 countries are joining this year!
Black Friday is a disaster for the planet—80% of what’s bought becomes waste. This year, why not spend differently? Rethink your purchases and invest in solutions that make a real impact. Skip the waste and support a cleaner future. We invite you to take action!
Good marketers are trained to hone in on equating your self-worth to your purchasing habits. "You aren't complete until you ____." Add societal pressures as well as a dopamine high of "rewarding yourself," and you've got a recipe of excess. On trash day, drive by slowly along the streets and look at what your neighbors discard. Things that probably should have been donated but was too "cumbersome" to do so - and so "if I don't need it anymore, then nobody needs it anymore" happens - on a billions of pounds of waste scale every year. Our myopic life-perspective is our undoing.
Is selling a form of violence? If everyone on the planet has only one way to live, by selling, then it must be selling that is causing human activity to cause this crisis. The violence that the planet is experiencing is coming from somewhere, it must be what we do and why we do it. If we figure it out, we might be able to discover a way of living that doesn't amount to dying. Our motto can't be "dying to make a killing while we're alive"
wrong platform. wrong target audience.
I went to my local zero-waste shop yesterday and asked my friend (the owner) what she was doing for Black Friday. She said "nothing". We not only need to change our consuming behaviour. We also need more conscious small businesses that don't incentivize unnecessary purchases Vojtech.
That's a great point, as said, " one person's junk, is another person's treasure ". If you no longer have use for an item and it's in good working condition, consider donating or throwing a bunch of items together for a garage sale and keeping them out of the garbage dump. It’s highly likely that someone that may not be able to afford the new price tag value, can afford the resale one.
Changing our behavior and consumption is key to a better future. Simple choices can boost our well-being while protecting the planet.
Biodiversity Builder | Learn how to build a wilder world | Founder of Wildya | Linkedin Top Green Voice
3moGreen alternative for everyone. Green Friday. Pick a nature NGO and put your money into it, instead of shopping more stuff you dont really need. Here my 7 favourites in case you dont know where to start: Rewilding Europe Earth Species Project Mission Blue Mission to Marsh gGmbH African Parks Network Re:wild On the Edge