Did you know that flying is one of the most carbon intensive actions we can take? Many people want to fly less to reduce their footprint, but time is often the biggest barrier. That's where climate Packs comes in. Climate Perks Health employers give staff extra days off if they choose low carbon travel like trains or ferries, instead of flying when they go on holiday. The Climate Perks community includes a growing number of inspiring companies and organisations across a wide range of industries, from architecture and interior design to consultants and branding agencies. The one thing they have in common is that they are passionate about cleaner, greener travel. By signing up to Climate Perks, these employers are empowering their staff to take action and live out their values. It's a win win. Employees have the opportunity to see the world and reduce emissions at the same time without giving up their hard earned leave. Join the movement for clean travel today.
Head of Business Development and Communications
3dOver 140 inspiring companies across 4 continents already signed up, empowering employees, breaking down barriers, and demonstrating climate leadership. 👏 Byway Flight Free UK Direct Ferries Bryt Energy Hubbub Friends of the Earth Bennetts Associates Bates Wells SilverRail The Vegan Society Thriva Torchbox 4Change Hydrock The Just Group distillery FIREFISH Stride Treglown Optimised Paula's Choice Plimsoll Hotelplan Group ShareAction Sawday's 👊