The past 30 months have been a passion project for our #WRUGandCo team. So many to thank 🙏 ... Charles Butt Foundation, Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation, Uvalde CISD, North Texas Community Foundation, The Rainwater Charitable Foundation, The Moody Foundation, Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc., The Meadows Foundation, The Brown Foundation, Inc., The Dallas Foundation, Huckabee, Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Collegiate Edu-Nation
The Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation is honored to announce we are $3.5 million away from completing the Kate Briscoe Marmion Charitable Foundation match, which will double the amount to $7 million, reaching our $60 million goal. Thank you to every person and organization that has contributed to the fundraising efforts toward building the new Legacy Elementary School campus. Hope is blooming in Uvalde because of you. Interested in learning more and making a gift? Visit