three types of organizations are permitted to issue international-agent status - first nation tribe - church - state. First nations are who gave the corporations and settelors permision to peaceful travels- this is their land you know, while they hold alodial title of deed; we may only maintain a registered title to deed. If it wasnt for the debt disposed to protect first nation tribes and indigenous from genocide-- there would be no federal courts.
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The people and land cannot be sovereign, if they pay taxes to any other government entity. I'm sure this store does. Even if allegedly tribal nations claim sovereignty, it is not fully ratified, because the laws of the parent country are still enforceable on the nation and will always supercede their interests due to power and control.
I’m a fan. Plus this seems more in their wheelhouse (historically speaking) than Gaming.
Passionate Business Development Executive | Innovative Thinker | Results-Driven | Relationship Building | Eager to Make an Impact 🚀✨
8moInteresting perspective! How can organizations work to honor and respect the sovereignty of First Nations in international travel and settlement agreements?