#COSMO24 a truly wonderful experience for all and a stellar cast of presenters and participants 3 pivotal questions remain unanswered 1.) how can we Validate and Certify Cancer information on the Web? 2.) how can we truly measure our outcomes (I.e., it’s about community, VS likes…thanks to Stacey T who opined do we have a community or a fan base? 3.) what SM platform should the medical world gravitate towards now that our former platform functionally no longer serves that purpose (Shouldn’t COSMO take the lead, engage an entrepreneur like #MarkCuban and fire up a new enterprise? #COSMO
Over the last 2 days, I joined founder Don S. Dizon and Chairs Martina Murphy and Eleonora Teplinsky, MD along with the powerhouse faculty (mostly) pictured here at COSMO—Collaboration for Outcomes Using Social Media in Oncology at Brown University. With inspiring energy, COSMO discussed how we have and will innovate the use of social media for advocacy, research, education, career advancement, enhanced patient care and more. What options exist for grant funding in social media research? What does it mean to be a digital opinion leader? What is platform of the next generation? How do you build & sustain community? How can we best partner across silos/communities? So proud to be contributing to this dialogue. #COSMO24 #COSMO #collaboration #socialmedia #DOL #patientadvocacy #communication #community #research #clinicaltrials
Breast Oncologist and Director of Lifestyle Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
3moIt was great to see you at #COSMO24!!!!!