Day 1 at the Bengaluru Tech Summit has been nothing short of electric!⚡ From engaging conversations to meaningful connections, the summit is a melting pot of diverse perspectives and groundbreaking solutions. A big shoutout to our incredible team and everyone who visited our booth today— it was great to engage with so many of you, it truly made this day insightful. Stay tuned as we bring more highlights from Day 2! Do stop by booth C57 if you're attending, we promise to make it worth your while. 🤝 #BengaluruTechSummit #BTS2024 #AgenticAI #BengaluruTechSummit2024 #TechForTomorrow #GenAI #Zvolv
Great interactions with people across the industry.. Thanks to all of you who came by and visited.. Let's connect in the next few days to dive deeper into the possible synergy!!
Mentor | Public Speaker | Process Orchestration | Leadership | Strategic Alliances | Growth | Sustainability |
3wDay 1 at Bengaluru Tech Summit was quite eventful. Had meaningful conversations with customers and partners that should transpire into relationships built on trust and strongly accompanied by competence, something we commit to bring to the fore. Day 2 should see more traction, Booth #C57 is where the maps will direct you!! #BTS2024 #BTSUnbound #BreakingBoundaries #HyperAutomation #EvolvewithZvolv