Produce Even Better Outcomes Through Existing Investments in Team, Technology and Time
As I talk with sustainability leaders around the globe, I often hear them say “we have robust internal teams.” Yet, I cannot help but wonder about the outcomes these teams are producing? This is especially troubling in light of reports like this one from Accenture, which shows that 93% of corporations that have made a public commitment to net zero will probably miss the mark.
However, the issue is even bigger than net zero. When you factor in the need to make significant progress on water, air, biodiversity and land use, one cannot help but wonder about outcomes. Will organizations see the kinds of returns they were hoping for when they constituted their internal sustainability teams? My sense is that senior leaders, those with budget authority and executive responsibility, are pondering that question right now and will continue to do so for some time.
I predict that over the next 5 years or so, we will see substantial shakeups and reorgs in sustainability teams. This might mean that sustainability leaders who are doing great work could be out of a job. They might also experience a diminishment of the clout and influence they need to get the job done. I really don’t want to see this happen to anyone. So I’d like to share ten ideas that have empowered my clients to be even more effective with their existing sustainability teams. If you want to maximize your organization’s current investment in sustainability, these ideas can really help.
Who Needs These Ideas?
I’m seeing most organizations form one of three types of sustainability teams today.
If one of these sounds like your team, I think you’ll love these ten ideas for guiding the group and the enterprise to achieve even better sustainability outcomes.
These ideas are not about eliminating jobs, reducing any department’s budget or asking people to change roles. Instead, they’re about making the most out of what the organization has already invested in.
A Quick Baseball Analogy
Before we look at those ten ideas, I’d like to draw an analogy from the world of Major League Baseball (MLB). The prevailing mindset in business, and in baseball, is that top performance comes from top talent. In other words, if you get the most talented people on your team, you’ll automatically perform and win. But real-world observation often teaches us a very different lesson.
Take that lauded team from New York City that has had the largest payroll in the MLB for many years. They have talent beyond compare. But do they win the World Series or even make the playoffs every year? No, they do not. In fact, teams with payrolls many times smaller than them often beat them. Why? Because those less talented teams have learned the fine art of teamwork. They play as a team and maximize the contributions of every player. Individual weaknesses are offset by the team’s overall performance.
Similarly, in the sustainability realm, hiring individual heavy-hitters by itself is no guarantee of optimal enterprise-level outcomes. To achieve meaningful and durable outcomes, sustainability leaders must focus on leading the entire team of contributors, especially those without sustainability in their title. These teams are comprised of many types of people, representing a variety of roles, titles and expertise from across the enterprise.
Get Clarity On The Mission And Alignment With Your Team Members
If you want to maximize your organization’s existing investments in sustainability, I recommend that you start by focusing on the mission. Once that’s clear, I recommend that you seek to align everyone around it. You can achieve this by creating clarity around a few key questions:
Sustainability, ultimately, requires an organization to change how it operates. Organizational change is hard because it requires coordinated efforts from a lot of people. Human beings are not ants. They won’t automatically line up to work on goals. People must be inspired and motivated to change. Nothing, in my experience, does this better than a mission that people believe in.
One of the biggest mistakes I see sustainability leaders make is assuming that others accurately comprehend what they’re trying to achieve. Gaining clarity on the mission and getting the entire team to act in accordance with that clarity is the single biggest determinant of success. This clarity serves as a guiding compass to ensure all efforts, initiatives and budget expenditures produce results that matter.
Commit To Social License To Operate As Your Guiding Formative Principle
To get the best possible performance from your sustainability team, I recommend that you commit to Social License to Operate (SLO) as your guiding formative principle. I wrote a Forbes article about why I believe SLO is so important. SLO is, essentially, your organization’s public reputation, especially as it relates to the environment.
I’ve come to believe that at any given time, customers, employees, regulators, analysts and even board members are assigning your organization one of three SLO grades:
By focusing on SLO and seeking to improve your organization’s public reputation, you can effectively guide all contributors toward making a meaningful impact.
Accurately Assess Who’s On Your Team
If you want to get the best possible performance from your sustainability team, it’s important to assess who’s actually on your team. In my experience, most sustainability leaders fly right past this fundamental step and it’s one of the biggest sources of the labor bottleneck.
Sustainability is an enterprise-wide function and not something that rests within a single division or a department. Your work touches people inside and outside of your organization. This requires you to shift and frequently expand your sense of who’s on your team. This activity is never quite done.
I see sustainability leaders look at everything that needs to be done and then say to themselves “I can’t get it all done because I don’t have a big enough team.” However, if you were to focus on the mission, and on inspiring other people to act, you may find that the size of your team grows exponentially. All the hands that are needed to get the work done are probably available to leaders if they provide:
In my experience, you’ll get way more done by empowering additional hands to work on sustainability initiatives than by trying to do it all yourself. This is why you need to accurately assess who is on your team.
Commit To Play Like a Team
If you really want to maximize your efforts in sustainability, I recommend that you commit to play like a team. I believe it is a mistake to assume that meaningful progress will come from individuals rather than from the team. What makes the sustainability function actually function? It’s not the performance of individual superstars. It’s the performance of the team. As a leader, I recommend that you:
This means putting work into highly-effective team meetings and problem-solving sessions. These may need to be virtual and across multiple time zones, depending on your workforce. In my experience, the sustainability leader that focuses on their team, rather than any single initiative, pet project or individual superstar, makes the most meaningful progress in the shortest amount of time. The team is the job.
If you do this, you will most likely unlock a much bigger labor force than you can see today. This is how you unleash next-level energy and performance. Committing to play like a team means that you, as team leader, commit not to being chief doer or chief manager of various individuals. You commit to being chief inspirer and coach of the team.
Cross-pollinate Team Members
To get the most from your sustainability team, it’s a good idea to actively cross-pollinate team members. I’ve helped other organizations do this because I am inherently a boundary-spanner. Here’s what I’ve discovered. If you ask people to collaborate with other members of the organization, especially those with whom they may not yet have collaborated, you just might release a flood of new energy. This includes untapped synergies, friendships, inspiration and mission-driven outcomes that did not previously exist. Here’s how this can work:
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In my experience, leaders that seed a matrix of energized, directed teams throughout the organization see these types of benefits:
This means your role is to be the person who inspires and stewards the energy that the team itself is generating. Your focus is on getting people to be boundary spanners who stretch and take their work beyond check boxes, divisions and departments. You are the one in charge of providing the safe space for this valuable cross-pollination to occur. This is the true work of the leader—to change the pattern of individuals walking in the door and heading directly to their department to work for the day. Sustainability isn’t a department or a division; it’s an integral function of the entire enterprise.
Commit To Information Sharing Amongst Team Members
To get the greatest performance from your existing sustainability team, ask people to be information sharers, not hoarders. Information within organizations is power. When people share information, they empower others to use it. Limiting information flow is the often the norm when individuals are managed for and promoted based on their solo performance. I believe that sustainability progress is highly dependent on open doors and information sharing.
This means that people don’t have to fear making poor decisions because of a lack of information. There’s nothing worse than individual contributors making recommendations that other people immediately discredit simply because the recommender lacked information. This could mean the recommender will be reticent to speak up again. You don’t want this type of behavior stifling your sustainability progress. And it could, unless you set a clear standard of sharing.
I recommend that you lead by example by sharing as much information as possible yourself. Based on my experience, here are some recommendations to demonstrate information sharing:
Your team members will follow your lead. In transforming your team to hold sharing as a core value, you empower the overall organization as well as every member to achieve greater progress.
Commit To A Team Scorecard Grade
If you want robust outcomes from your sustainability investments, commit to using a team scorecard. I recommend that you make it clear to everyone that team performance and outcomes will be how you’ll grade progress. Individual grades are for solo performances, but sustainability is a team sport.
This doesn’t mean that individual under-performance gets ignored. If people make commitments to the team, it’s important to hold them accountable to fulfill their obligations. Yet, even if everyone completes their obligations but the team doesn’t make substantial progress, that’s still a miss.
Based on my experience helping individual players become high-performing teams, you might consider these approaches to designing and using a team scorecard:
When you make this shift, your focus as a leader also shifts to guiding an effective and accountable team. In my experience, this approach is exponentially more effective than focusing on individual performers, where each is operating with their own goals.
Practice Transparent Honesty with Yourself and Your Team
If you want to optimize your organization’s sustainability progress, practice transparency with yourself and your team. At least once a year, make an honest assessment about what’s working and what isn’t and then share it with the team. Strong leaders don’t just face the brutal facts, they embrace them!
This assessment gives you license to get out of the trenches and analyze what’s changed on the field of play and why. As a leader, this honest evaluation can provide you with powerful insights to justify pivots with the team and beyond. To complete this assessment, I encourage you to conduct a gap analysis. Try these techniques to fulfill the gap analysis:
More than anything, this approach sends a message to your team: “I’m serious about achieving our goals so I won’t allow us to continue blindly down pathways that won’t get us there.” In my experience, team members love working with a passionate leader who focuses on big goals and who holds themselves accountable to achieve them. Putting this technique into practice doesn’t take away from your current resources. It simply improves the likelihood that those same resources will get you and your team to your future-state.
Take Responsibility For Outcomes
If you want to get the best possible performance from your sustainability team, I encourage you to take responsibility for outcomes. Never blame others when things go wrong. As leader, you are ultimately responsible for the performance of the team. I’ve come to believe there are two situations where it’s important for leaders to take responsibility:
On occasion I’ve heard leaders describe for what’s happened over the last year, using phrases like: “Well I really wish we’d seen better performance out of such and such” or “I thought we had a stronger performer in this particular area, but as it turned out we didn’t, and we are still trying to figure it out.”
Even if these statements are accurate, they will likely erode the performance of current team members who may be afraid of being thrown under the bus in the future. This is especially true of part-time contributors who already have a full-time job while also making contributions to sustainability in their spare time.
As an executive leader responsible for the sustainability function, taking full ownership sounds more like this: “Here is what happened over the last year and here’s what we learned. This is our mission and here is what we’ll do over the next 6 months to get back on track. I’ll take responsibility for where we are and I’ll also take the necessary action to get us to where we want to be.” Executives typically love this kind of statement and it inspires confidence in them, as long as you follow through on your commitments.
Now let’s look at taking responsibility in one-on-one sessions with a team member. Sustainability initiatives are best tackled as a team, where individual team members commit to work on a certain task as part of the larger initiative. It’s very common for team members to struggle and fall behind. When this happens, there are two ways to handle these one-on-one conversations: play the blame game or inject a bit of humility as a leader.
Here is what it might sound like to play the blame game: “Six months ago you committed to work on X. Based on everything I can see, you’ve not made much progress. It looks like you’ll miss the deadline for this task. Why is this happening? Do you really want to let down your teammates?”
Here is an approach to inject a bit of humility into these conversations while also taking responsibility as leader: “Six months ago you committed to work on X. Based on everything I can see, it looks like you’ll miss the deadline for this task. Am I wrong about that? Is there something I’m doing as a leader that is blocking you from making progress? Is there anything I can do to help you get back on track? What do you need to be successful in this role?”
It’s amazing what happens when leaders take responsibility for outcomes. These acts of leadership keep the team healthy, open doors for progress and serve as a model for team members to follow.
Consider Working With A Coach
Great leaders need counselors and advisors. Yet very few people in sustainability leadership roles have a sounding board or a mentor to guide them. I encourage you to consider working with an experienced coach as early as possible, before burnout or other equally unfortunate outcomes occur. Why should you consider this? Here are some questions that might indicate you could benefit from a coach:
Final Thoughts
This Accenture report indicates that most organizations will not achieve their net zero targets unless they make significant pivots. My concern is that there will be fallout for faithful and diligent sustainability leaders who gave it their best effort. I really don’t want you to be among that group. I’ve shared these ten ideas to help get the best possible outcomes from your existing investments in sustainability. These ideas are based on more than 25 years of coaching sustainability leaders and I know they work. If you want to talk about any of them, please know that my door is open.
Deputy Director and Climate Resilience Specialist
5moExtremely helpful article for a critical time! Thank you! 😉