10 Life-Changing Ways to be Happy

10 Life-Changing Ways to be Happy

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Still, pursuing happiness? 

I mean who doesn't want to be happy? 

Happiness is something we are all looking for. Happiness — the often elusive, but always desired state of being. 

Everyone wants to be happy, yet happiness can sometimes be hard to find.

Aside from just feeling better on a daily basis, there is even scientific research to show us that being happy has concrete health and life benefits.

You might assume that happiness is something that some people feel based on their current circumstances — like their occupation, family, and health for example. 

Many studies suggest that happiness is about more than luck or temporary feelings; being happy actually requires effort and is much like a skill; with that effort, happiness is likely achievable for anyone.

So how do you find happiness? On the outside, when you see happy people, it just seems to be easy, like it’s a personality trait. But in reality, they are always choosing happiness.

To start your own “upward spiral” of happiness, here are the 10 life-changing ways to be happy. 

The Happiness Manifesto:

#1 Live in the moment - don’t defer happiness

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Too many people believe that their happiness is conditional upon some future event...

  • The next pay rise
  • The job promotion
  • Retirement
  • The day they win the lottery
  • Or just waiting for the day to turn around and get better.

The reason why we’re not always happy is simply that we aren’t always present to the miracle of life.

So if you want to be happy now...

The first step to happiness is noticing it. Appreciate now...

We are so busy watching out for what is ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.

Try to stay present for even a few moments a day. The present moment is filled with joy and you’ll be happier overall if you are attentive.

#2 Make others feel happy 

“Happiness only real when shared”…

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It’s a funny thing - when you give joy to another, you feel more of it yourself. Do you agree?

Happiness is said to be contagious, as we can lift others up by demonstrating what joy is all about.

When we can do something for others without expecting anything in return, it causes a ripple effect and matters more than you may know.

A great way to make yourself happy is to focus on making others happy. 

A smile, a thoughtful word, a kind gesture. Simple things. Happy people make us happy.

#3 Make your happiness visual 

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A picture paints a thousand words. Surround yourself with things that make you feel happy just by looking at them. 

That’s why I love vision boards!

Find images that represent your vision. Images that reflect success and happiness to you. 

To some, a new car, dream house, global travel, spending quality time with friends and family, and the financial freedom to build a whole other vision.

I know, the future is blurry at this moment. But the feeling of looking forward to something feels magical. 

You can change them regularly because even the most beautiful images become lost in the background when we see them every day. 

Use this trick throughout the day to inspire and motivate you.

#4 Jettison your negative feelings

We all have negative, anxious, and even angry feelings sometimes. Repressing these and holding them in is not good. 

Here are some of the things that you can do:

  1. Find a good listener. 
  2. Write them down.
  3. Self-reflect
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Whatever suits you; just give yourself permission to let these thoughts go.

Ignoring feelings (like "stuffing your anger") is not the healthiest way to deal with them. 

Generally speaking, that does not make them go away but can cause them to come out in different ways.

#5 Take 100% Responsibility

If it’s going to be it’s up to me.

Don’t put the onus on other people to make you happy. Take responsibility. Fix what is making you unhappy. Oh, and by the way, fix it now.

Don’t wait for the day to turn things around and get better.

#6 Choose to be grateful

This is my favorite. It may seem cheesy, but gratitude is a part of being happy that you have complete control over.

I even had a tattoo on my arm to remind myself to be grateful every day. 

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According to one study,

Gratitude is an important human strength that contributes to subjective happiness. Grateful individuals are especially appreciative of the contribution of others to their happiness… Results imply reciprocal relationships among gratitude, subjective happiness, and good social relationships. Consequently, compared with unhappy people, happy people report close and satisfying relationships and feel more gratitude in their lives.

Take 5 minutes every morning to write down or declare what you are thankful for!

#7 Make a purposeful life

Find your Ikigai! 

Ikigai (pronounced Ick-ee-guy) is a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being". The word refers to having a meaningful direction or purpose in life, constituting the sense of one's life being made worthwhile, with actions taken towards achieving one's ikigai resulting in satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.

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Ask yourself, why are you here? 

What is your life about? 

What is it that you love to do?

What activities make you feel your best?

Surely more than mere survival. Find yourself a purpose and set yourself some goals. 

Whether by taking personality profiles, or trying new hobbies, it is part of the journey of life to discover what we were designed to do. There is a plan and purpose for your life and a reason for you to be here. Isn’t it time to discover what that is?

Moving towards those goals, even in tiny steps, will make you feel happy and more fulfilled.

#8 Quieten your mind

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We are bombarded by too much information; prompts; notifications; social media; it is never-ending. Yet it is not compulsory. 

Switch off, zone out, deliberately make some quiet time for your mind every day. It may be hard to do at first but persevere. 

Each day I’d take some time to meditate and quiet my mind. The best time for me is in the morning when it is still quiet. 

Find your ideal time. Treat yourself each morning at least 5 special minutes to set the tone of your day.

Studies indicate that meditation may increase your capacity for happiness and reduce your propensity towards negativity.

A quiet mind is a happy mind.

#9 Exercise

Health is wealth. I know you don't want to hear it, but exercise has a huge benefit for your mental health and happiness. 

Even if you can't remember the last time you properly exercised, get moving at the comfort of your home this week and try a 10 minutes workout, yoga, light aerobics, or dancing. Have a fun exercise routine and you'll feel happier instantly.

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You'll look and feel better and the more enjoyable the exercise is, the more likely you are to stick at it. Find a type of exercise that is fun for you, it doesn't have to be the gym nor having expensive gym equipment at home. 

As for me, I am very much active with indoor cycling. At first, I used to join because of my daughter. But now, I am doing it for me. I love it!

#10 Be yourself

We spend so much time trying to make other people happy and please others through our work, friends, and family and we often forget to focus on ourselves.

Isn’t it that we are happier when we are true to ourselves? Somewhere deep inside, we know the things we believe in and care about. 

Don’t spend your life pretending to be someone else.

Not so long ago, I decided to follow my heart and be myself. This sounds easy, but I am telling you, it wasn’t.

It was a fight, it still is. I went against so many opinions people had about me.

I took some time to put myself first and do some things that actually make me happy and take a break from the pressure of pleasing others and having to be the best at everything. 

But you know what is always most important? The opinion you have YOURSELF about you!

That is what matters. YOU matter! 

Build your happiness on this foundation – be YOU

Happiness looks different for everyone. For you, maybe it’s being alone while doing the things that you love most and be with who you are. 

It could be being surrounded by the people you trust and care about most.

Perhaps having the freedom to pursue the dreams you are passionate about. 

Regardless of your version of true happiness, living a happier, more satisfying life is within reach. 

And yes, it’s possible! :) 

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Do you practice any from the list? If not, now is the time to pick a few from the list and start doing them daily (or do them all if you like!)

Remember that happiness is a choice. Not an easy one but being happy is a wonderful state of mind.

They might not all work for you all the time, but trust yourself, listen to what your body and mind need, and don’t be too hard on yourself!

Chito Tungol

Bold, Daring, Brave. I made ALL the mistakes. Learn from me. #GangstaMentor


I concur.


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