10 Question That Can Change Your Life
You can learn a lot just by asking yourself a few questions. Questions grab your attention and make you think. If you never ask yourself questions, you may limit the amount of progress that you make in your life.
The questions you ask yourself, or fail to ask yourself, can change the course of your life!
Consider the answers to these questions on a regular basis…
1. What are the most important things
I need to accomplish tomorrow??
When you make the most of each day, you can make the most of your life. Avoid starting a new day without a plan of action. Give your day some thought the night before! I find that writing down the things I want to accomplish are very helpful to me.
2. Which activities and people are a waste of my time?
We all fail to make the most of our time. We have activities that do little more than serve as distractions. We also have people that are just distractions, or worse they are trying to sabotage our goals.
Think about the activities and people that are costing you more than they are worth. Surround yourself with people that support you. Keep in mind that when I say “Surround yourself with people that support you”, I mean that these should not be people that always agree with you and go along with what you are saying. You want to be around people that will help you achieve your goals and will be willing to challenge you to grow and think outside the box.
3. What are my long-term plans?
What is the overall objective of your life? If you do not know that you will struggle to plan your time appropriately. You will make wiser decisions if you know what you are trying to accomplish over the next decade or more.
Clarify your goals and where you want to be in 10 years. Write it down and refer to it often. Make a vision board and hang it in the bathroom so you see it every day.
4. What did I do poorly today and how can I do better tomorrow?
Evaluate your errors and poor decisions and learn from them. Making a mistake once is just part of life. Making a mistake more than once because you did not learn from it is tragic.
5. What did I do well today?
It’s just as important to identify what you did well, so you can do it again!
Identifying and feeling good about your victories also builds your confidence, self-esteem, and optimistic view of your future, which all make that bright future more likely to happen.
6. How does the rest of the world view me?
This is a very difficult question to answer accurately, but it is important. Most of us are clueless about how we appear to others. We have our own vision of ourselves in our mind, but it’s often far from the truth.
If you can see yourself as the rest of the world sees you, you will identify a few simple tweaks that can change your results dramatically.
7. What are my values, and am I living them?
Most people only have a fuzzy idea of their values. Once you know what your values are, it’s easier to make decisions that will sustain and build your self-esteem.
Knowing your values and living them also helps create a life that you find fulfilling.
8. What are my greatest flaws and what can I do to correct them?
Everyone has a critical flaw that is holding them back. Few are aware of their most significant flaws. Spend some time thinking about this and ask some honest friends for their advice. Once again, do not ask the people who will tell you that you are perfect just the way you are, that is not honesty. We all have flaws, and we need to know what they are so we can work on correcting them.
9. What can I do to enhance my most important relationships?
Think about how you can lift your relationships up to the next level.
10. Who and what am I grateful for?
This is a great question to ask each day, but especially when you are feeling frustrated or down. Thinking of the good things in your life will lift your spirits, give you a more optimistic view of life, and make more good things more likely to happen.
Some of these questions are a little tough! But that does not mean you should not tackle them. Something as simple as a few questions might be all you need to steer your life in a new direction.
Ensure that you are not just asking and answering the questions. Take action, you will be glad you did!
- Kal Patel
Energy Matters
4yMaybe #11 simple gestures matter. What is not important to you might be to someone else. (As I try to sneak my foot away, maybe I will just wait.)
Energy Matters
4yPet the puppy in backyard was my #1 and #10 this morning. #6 is a tricky as you are inside the box so best to rely on trusted people in #2. Hmmm, did I waste my time ( #2 ) this morning, I think no.
Strategist | Technology, Sales, Consulting, Coaching
4yLove this Kal!
SVP, County Manager at Chicago Title San Diego
4yHI Kal and Lina, I hope that you are and your family are well!
Anesthesiologist at Seven Hills Anesthesia LLC, Bethesda Division
4yGood stuff Kal. Trying to be better everyday.