10 Retail Quick Scans to strengthen Retail Collaborative Approaches
2 weeks ago, we published an article on existing collaboration between retailers and suppliers, sharing that it might be the right time to review them.
The 10 simple questions built in the Collaborative Approaches review the existing pillars a retail organisation has built over the years. They define its current relationships with suppliers. There are no good or bad pillars: they just are and have been successfully driving the company to where it stands now.
By reviewing them today, it is the opportunity to assess how effective these collaboration pillars have been in the past to jointly engage Customers. It is also an opportunity to review which are the ones that should stay and what are the new alternatives to be considered for improved performances and profitability.
We also owe a big thank you to Onuma Patthamakanokporn whose main business, in Myanmar and the Philippines, is to help companies leverage new Collaborative Approaches. Her insights and experiences are of great value to us
We hope this 5 minutes exercise can help.
Get the full questionnaire and answers HERE
Several countries are now starting to progressively come out of a dark and terrible phase. During these weeks of suffering and sometimes havoc, several battles were fought on safety, supply, service and community fronts.
During these battles, Retail Leaders have had the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised when realizing that some of the capabilities of their organisation were stronger than they thought. At the same time, they could also notice that some of their organisation’s capabilities were in need for reinforcement.
The Retail Quick Scan Series is a set of 10 simple close-ended questions sets for selected components of the retail business model: Collaboration, Merchandising, Digitalisation, CRM, Digital Commerce, Operations and Supply Chain. Depending on each answer provided, there a is straight forward set of comments and suggestions that will either confirm a decision or generate a new line of strategic thinking.
As we write the lines, budgets are revisited, strategies adjusted, business priorities and directions reviewed.
We built the Retail Quick Scan Series in a view to help Retail Leaders - as they are preparing how to enter the much talked about New Normal - confirm their directions and choices. We hope it helps.