#12|24: Comfort, efficiency and health
Today we are once again bringing you a wide range of stories relating to ebm-papst. Included is an omnidirectional and fully automated drive solution at our Mulfingen location. We also take a look at indoor plantations where medical hemp is grown. At kapplercnc, a digital twin is delivering a new level of operational reliability and efficiency, as we show you in a multimedia article. Finally, we present our solutions for centralized and decentralized residential ventilation.
Short routes in all directions
Flexible, efficient and fully automated: introducing Eddy, our driverless transport vehicle. We are using Eddy in a new production line at our Mulfingen location, where it transports parts back and forth between the workstations, adapting effortlessly to the production environment and increasing the capacity of certain production lines.
Optimum growth
The market for medicinal cannabis is booming worldwide – the plant’s flowers have a pain-relieving, muscle-relaxing effect and stimulate the appetite. Israeli company Grow-tec’s technology together with the HVAC systems from Greek air conditioning manufacturer Klimallco SA, featuring our reliable RadiPac fans with specially coated impellers, ensure a rich harvest in indoor plantations.
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The digital twin: optimum efficiency and maintenance at kapplercnc
At kapplercnc, system reliability and efficiency at the highest level are ensured by the digital twin of a condenser from Cabero in collaboration with Heidinger and ebm-papst neo. The system’s gateways record all important data and send it to the cloud, where it is analyzed and processed. This allows energy consumption to be precisely optimized, maintenance work to be planned as required and system reliability to be increased.
AMCA European Fan Symposium
The AMCA European Fan Symposium will take place in Schwäbisch Hall on July 10 and 11. The event is packed with exciting presentations by international speakers on topics relating to the market for innovative air technology. ebm-papst will be represented with pioneering products and presentations, including those by our colleagues Mario Käpple and Geoff Lockwood.