1.7 million impressions Translation Article 590: Portuguese Language Insights, 10 idioms including the word “vontadade.” Translations to English.

1.7 million impressions Translation Article 590: Portuguese Language Insights, 10 idioms including the word “vontadade.” Translations to English.

1.7 million impressions Translation Article 590: Portuguese Language Insights, 10 idioms including the word “vontadade.” Literal and semantic translations to English.


1) à vontade!

[at the will, at the wish]

(military) At ease!


2) (Brasil) estar / ficar à vontade, (Portugual) pôr-se à vontade

[be / become as one wills / wishes, become as one wills / wishes]

make oneself at home


3) fazer algo à vontade

[do something at one’s will / at one’s wishes]

do something as one pleases


4) fazer algo de má vontade

[do something of/with bad will]

to do something grudgingly


5) havia comida à vontade

[there was food at will]

there was plenty of food


6) morrer de vontade de fazer algo

[to die from the will to do something]

to be dying to do something


7) perder a vontade de fazer algo

[lose the will to do something]

not to feel like doing something anymore


8) por minha vontade

[through my will, according to my will]

In my opinion


9) sentir-se à vontade

[feel at will]

feel at ease


10) ter vontade propria

[have one’s own will]

have a mind of one’s own


Oxford Portuguese Dictionary, 2015.

Gorete Sousa

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I can add another one: « contra a minha (sua, tua, vossa) vontade [against my will]

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