2016 ... Reflections on a Momentous Year!

2016 ... Reflections on a Momentous Year!

How was 2016 for you? Did you achieve everything you set out to? Perhaps the past 12 months exceeded all your expectations – we do hope so.

Here at Quadrant2Design, 2016 has proved something of a pivotal year for us; one which saw our overall growth rise by a whopping 25% over the previous year!

As they say on all the best TV shows, here’s just a handful of our highlights from 2016, (click on the links to find out more):

Back in April, we launched our “war on boring flooring”, with the introduction of our shiny new HP printer, which allows Q2D clients to custom-brand every inch of their exhibition floor space with stunning photo-realistic graphics. (Your competitors will hate it!)

Remember the eagerly anticipated unveiling of the new polymer Fiver at Blenheim Palace on 2nd June? We were thrilled to be asked to design and install the fabulous 3D experiential display stands used for the launch ceremony, which featured our celebrated Prestige Events System and required six on-site installers!

An upsurge in demand for our services throughout the year meant an increase in staffing levels, as we welcomed new employees from, (among other places), Zimbabwe, Vietnam and Bulgaria. Our Design team grew from five to eight strong and we appointed our Senior Project Manager, Wiebke Carvell, to head up our Customer Care team as Director. Oh, and we purchased two additional vans for our transport fleet!

And if you’re thinking that we might have been way too busy producing exhibition stands for everyone else to build some for ourselves, well we’re delighted to say that wasn’t the case. In October we took part in the inaugural Big Green Event, where Q2D was named a preferred partner, and back in February we mingled with friends old and new at the Retail Design Expo, at Olympia, London.

One of the most touching moments of 2016 came about when we decided to sponsor Kuia, the Kākāpō; the world’s largest parrot and an endangered species in her native New Zealand. Earlier this year, our Kuia became a mum to four healthy chicks and we couldn’t be more proud of her.

In October, ‘orange’ became the new black for Q2D’s exhibition transport cases – the idea being that our new vivid orange cases are impossible to miss among a sea of black. They’ll certainly help differentiate you from your competitors – and as you know, we don’t do boring!

The last quarter of 2016, saw our premises undergo a massive refurbishment. We completely revamped our offices and moved the production facility over to the mezzanine along with the rest of the team. We introduced printed floors, ceilings and doors, plus new showroom stands and a brand-new ocean-themed meeting area. We can’t wait to show around the place.

Talking of which …

Last week we enjoyed a visit from Google Southwest. Not a social call as such, but we’ve signed up to Google’s Indoor Streetview initiative; so in 2017, you’ll be able to experience a 360° virtual tour of our showroom from the comfort of your home or office, or wherever you happen to be!

So then, what a tremendous year it’s been! We’ve accomplished so much over the past 12 months, working with hundreds of new and established clients – and right now, business is booming.

But if you’ve been around us any length of time, you’ll know that we’re not ones to rest on our laurels. In 2017, Quadrant2Design will continue to grow and evolve and rest assured, our management team will be on the lookout for revolutionary ways we can enhance your exhibition experience even further.

Happy New Year!

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