As 2020 draws to a close ...
(c) Dianne Traynor

As 2020 draws to a close ...

It occurred to me this morning, as 2020 comes to a close and Christmas draws closer, that for some it will be a time to break out the Christmas lights and celebrate where for others it may be a further extension of an already anxious and stressful time. They may be facing their first Christmas without a loved one; still find themselves without work and not knowing where to turn; have lost their home; be under extreme financial stress or even finding themselves anxious about returning to the "new normal".

We must not assume because someone is smiling that all is okay. I hope we have learned from the many we have lost that have shown us this truth. If you are grieving, be kind to yourself. Life can be so harsh but life can also be beautiful in its tragedy. If the weight of it all is feeling too much, please remember that grief is a heavy cloak to wear and there are those who understand.

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Grief ... a heavy cloak to wear

I have worn you without knowing what you do

I recognised you but not all those things I have done because of you

I didn't know how heavy you would be

I didn't know you would cling to me like a second skin

And all the reading in the world didn't release me from you

There have been moments when I thought you were gone

My actions not associated with you

How wrong I was as I reflect

How I swayed and fell under the weight of you

And now I simply accept you, whilst still hoping that you may leave to let me live

I will never forget why you came

I will never stop the tears from falling as a memory comes

I will never feel the same again

But that is the circle of life and now I truly know what that means

Please do not be as heavy for those I leave behind when my time comes

What would I tell those who wear you?

Only you will know the weight, do not expect others to understand

Recognise some poor decisions are because of the weight and are not who you are

Know the cloak is both protecting you and harming you

That you will one day no longer wear it,

as often

Be prepared for the cloak to bring its accessories

Gloves of depression

A scarf of anxiety

Boots of isolation

But keep believing that one day the summer outfit will return

And however you cope with the weight

Is okay

You're okay

It is what it is

Lightness will be yours again

May Peace and Love come to your rescue

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2020 has been difficult for so many. There has been so much loss but it is my prayer that we never lose hope. My thoughts and love go out to everyone who is struggling. May they know they are not alone in their struggles and take some small comfort in that knowledge. And if this is you, and you may not know anyone else personally who is going through what you are, take solace in the fact that you can rest assured others know how you feel and that they are out there, praying for the same miracles that you are.

Be kind to yourself through this Season and keep believing that a better tomorrow awaits.

Not everyone experiences joy at Christmas, and that is okay - but we can be grateful that we are still here to usher in another year and we never know what that New Year may bring.

Try to remember your blessings. Be kind always. Live in Love and Peace. Namaste.

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(c) Dianne Traynor 19 December 2020

Haroon Azadi

Senior TIS Service Engineer at Capital City College Group


Dear Dianne, you have beautifully expressed it, I could not have worded this awful feeling of not knowing where I am headed any better. I have been wearing this cloak for many years now and not knowing how to take it off any more, the weight of it becomes part of me yet I don't want to carry it anymore.

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