2021 Trends Report
I have spent my career predicting the future: I’ve made big bets on technology and business trends that have resulted in five companies across five different sectors. Yet, making large scale predictions for 2021 still seems to be a fool’s gamble. Instead, I believe that consumers will continue to act in their best interests, that companies will act in the interests of consumers and that the electoral positions in our country will be filled by those people who best represent our electorate.
When President Trump was elected into office, his appointment shed light on parts of our nation that were otherwise largely in the dark. Understanding the needs of his base and the responses by those not of his base, further highlighted the widening gap in American values, living conditions, and preferences. And, under an Obama administration, we perhaps were able to pretend that those discrepancies did not exist. We were wrong.
What I see is a country widely divided, in the early months of a global pandemic, with endless amounts of pain being expressed. I see sad and angry people. I, also, see the potential for widespread and positive change. Dissension creates opportunities. Opportunities create change.
As I look ahead, the future I see is changing and I am hopeful. Yet, as very few people pay me to share thoughts on the state of our nation, I want to highlight the positive potential changes that I also see in the state of our industry. This report is that: potential technology changes that I see and want to share with our customers, our partners and our industry. I hope you enjoy it and that you take time to share your feedback on social media or via email.
Here’s to a much more positive 2021.
Read the full 2021 Trends Report here: https://bit.ly/3pAgz6v
Data Scientist | MBA | MSBA Candidate at Georgetown University
1yBen, thanks for sharing!
Ben, you see the future clearly and continue to drive our thought processes in new and different ways...thanks.. Mohammed
Copywriter, Author, Brand Strategist
4yOnce companies understand the need for change, they need to identify those who can help them navigate it toward a desired or preferred future. That’s why we started Black Swan Theatre.