3 High Performance Key Factors in Crushing Your Goals

3 High Performance Key Factors in Crushing Your Goals

Last Friday was National Quitters Day. High Performers don't quit. Whether you are pursuing success in personal or business goals, the process is the same. And there are three key factors on whether you are successful or not.

Key Factor #1- YOU

When determining your goals, putting a strategy in place, and then doing the work to reach or exceed your goals, it has to start with you. If you are setting personal goals its completely focused on you. If you are setting business goals, then focussing on yourself as a leader and also your team is critical. You should make your own personal development be your top priority.

Determining Your Goals (What and Why?)- What is important to you? What gets you up early in the morning? What passions excite you? Excite=Ignite. You need to determine these things first. This is called determining your why. If you can align your inner drive with your outer focus you will be unstoppable. You have to know where you are going and why.

Setting a Strategy (How?)- Once you know the "where" and the "why" it's time to navigate your strategy. Just like planning a trip. You have to know where you are going so you can plot the course. And you have to know why you are going there so you know what to pack. What you plan to do matters. Is it a vacation? Then bring clothes and things that you will need. If it's a business trip, pack what you need and don't get weighed down by unimportant things you don't need. Then you chart your course. How will I get there? What route will I take? What are the mile markers (or KPIs)? What will I do when I get there? Mile markers are a great way to track your progress.

Do the Work (How?)- Remember the old Nike saying, "Just Do It"? The work doesn't get done by itself. Knowledge is NOT power. Knowledge implemented is power. Make sure your why is important enough to keep you going when it becomes hard.

Key Factor #2- OTHER PEOPLE (Community)

Your team (Who?)- Whether you are setting personal goals or business goals, there will be people that can help you get there.

None of us are as smart as all of us!

Personal Goals- If you are setting personal goals, find people around you that are successful and have arrived where you are going already. Seek out mentors and coaches. Find guides who have made the mistakes and understand the pitfalls and can help you navigate around them. These mentors and coaches create massive ROI on your money and time and can speed up your growth and take you further than you could on your own. Also, find your tribe. Find people taking the journey as well so you have people along the way to share the journey with. This could be a spouse or close friend but it should also be other people pursuing their personal dreams as well.

Business Goals- You will never fully stretch yourself and your business if you don't surround yourself with a great team. When you are solo you are the only one. There is only so much growth your organization can do. There is a maximum level you can achieve. When you bring one person in to help you then you have growth. 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+1 =4, etc. When you build a great team you begin huge momentum that multiplies your business growth at a whole different level. Now your equation goes from 3+1=4 to 3 X 3 =9.If you want to 10X something then you need 10 times the amount of people or 10 times the leverage.

Key Factor #3- PROCESS

Personal- The personal processes you put into place are called habits. How often you do it is just as important as what you do and how you do it. Habits take time. There are some great books on the subject out there that I highly recommend you read. One is Atomic Habits by James Clear. In the book Clear says it takes 67 days to break and change a habit. Consistency is king. Motion X Direction X Time = Success. They say if you do something 1,000 times you become an expert. Once you have done the same right thing over and over again it becomes easier. Rhythm becomes momentum. Momentum becomes massive growth.

Business- The business habits are called processes. Creating processes that can be easily performed and repeated will create the greatest success. To scale your operation, you need multiple people doing the same thing over and over again. Processes must be properly taught, monitored, and evaluated. These processes must align with your where, your why, and your how to truly create a high performance and successful business.

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